标题几乎解释了这一切。我正在创建一个Mac应用,我需要电池电量(具体在mWh (而不是百分比))。希望在C或Objective C中执行。
The title pretty much explains it all. I'm creating a mac app and I need the battery charge level specifically in mWh (not percentage). Would like to do it in C or Objective C preferably.
So here is a bit of code that directly answers my question which is getting the Battery Charge Level in mWh. It's not perfect, but it does the job.
+ (NSString* ) chargeInMWH
CFMutableDictionaryRef matching , properties = NULL;
io_registry_entry_t entry = 0;
matching = IOServiceMatching( "IOPMPowerSource" );
entry = IOServiceGetMatchingService( kIOMasterPortDefault , matching );
IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( entry , &properties , NULL , 0 );
NSNumber * voltage = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:1.0];
NSNumber * currentCapacity= [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:1.0];
voltage = [properties objectForKey:@"Voltage"];
currentCapacity = [properties objectForKey:@"CurrentCapacity"];
int floatValue = [voltage intValue];
int floatValue2 = [currentCapacity intValue];
int answer = floatValue * floatValue2;
NSString *theCompleteAnswer = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%i",answer];
CFRelease( properties );
IOObjectRelease( entry );
return theCompleteAnswer;