

我有一个变量strFunction,然后还有另一个字符串strName = "strFunction",我想知道的是如何使用strName获得strFunction的值.

I have a variable strFunction, then I have another string strName = "strFunction" , what I want to know is how can I get the value of strFunction by using strName.

例如,类似getValue(strName)的东西为我提供了strFunction的值.在Access VBA中可以吗?

For example, something like getValue(strName) gives me the value of strFunction. Is it possible in Access VBA?



I have a strFunction string, it's a const string.In my code I want to use Len("strFunction") to test the length of it, but what i got is the length "strFunction". So I need a get-value-out-of-variable-name function. I have tried Eval(), but it cannot do this, even I write a get_strFunction(), eval("get_strFunction()") gives me error, telling me it cannot find it.

Private Const strFunction as String = "FilterByType_1"
Private Function get_strFunction()
    get_strFunction = strFunction
End Function


"我有一个变量strFunction,然后我有另一个字符串strName =" strFunction,我想知道如何获取该值通过使用strName来实现strFunction."

strFunction 可能不是变量,而是VBA集合中某个项目的键.

Instead of a variable, strFunction could be the key for an item in a VBA collection.

Public Sub darkjh()
    Dim strName As String
    Dim col As Collection
    Set col = New Collection
    col.Add "FilterByType_1", "strFunction"
    strName = "strFunction"
    Debug.Print col(strName)
    Set col = Nothing
End Sub


Edit: Instead of a VBA collection, you could use a Scripting.Dictionary.

Dim strName As String
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.Add "strFunction", "FilterByType_1"
strName = "strFunction"
Debug.Print dict(strName)
Set dict = Nothing


10-21 11:52