

我正在寻找将 IBL 添加到我的场景和对象中.但是我在网上找不到任何东西.有一些使用 envMap 的示例,但问题是使用 envMap 时,对象看起来像 chrome ...

I'm searching to add an IBL to my scene and objects. But I can't find anything on the web. There are some examples with an envMap, but the problem is that with the envMap the object looks like chrome...


I'm trying to have such an effect:

我发现您可以使用 IBL(基于图像的照明)、PRT(预计算辐射传输)或 PBR(基于物理的渲染).但是我不知道如何在three.js中使用这种效果.

I found that you can use IBL (Image Based Lighting), PRT (Precomputed Radiance Transfer) or PBR (Physically Based Rendering). But I'm unable to know how to use such an effect with three.js.

使用来自 r74dev 的新 MeshStandardMaterial 后,我可以得到以下结果:(前)(后)

After using the new MeshStandardMaterial from the r74dev I'm able to have the following result:(before)(after)

但我不能将 MeshStandardMaterialenvMap 与纹理一起使用.纹理或 MeshStandardMaterial 都不起作用.

But I can't use MeshStandardMaterial and envMap with textures. Either the texture or the MeshStandardMaterial dooesn't work.


感谢 WestLangley 我正在使用 MeshStandardMaterial:

Thanks to WestLangley I'm using MeshStandardMaterial:

var objectGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 10, 100, 100 );  
material  = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({envMap : textureSkydome});



10-21 09:48