

我想从 Build.Sourcebranch 设置 VersionSuffix ,但这失败了,因为 SourceBranch 包含 refs/heads/< branchname>.

I want to set VersionSuffix from Build.Sourcebranch but this fails since SourceBranch contains refs/heads/<branchname>.

- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
  condition: succeeded()
    command: 'pack'
    versioningScheme: ByPrereleaseNumber
    majorVersion: '0' 
    minorVersion: '1' 
    patchVersion: '1' 
    packTimezone: 'utc' 
    buildProperties: VersionSuffix=$(Build.SourceBranch)-$(Build.BuildNumber)

我只想向 $(Build.SourceBranch)添加 .Replace('/','_')和一些类似的语句,但是我可以不能在表达式语法中找到有关该操作的任何信息.

I just want to add .Replace('/','_') and a few similar statements to $(Build.SourceBranch), but I can't find anything in the expression syntax on how to do that.

发送另一个字符串(即 VersionSuffixRaw )并在.csproj内使用 String.Replace 创建 VersionSuffix 无效.;由于某种原因,它只是被忽略了.

It didn't work to send in another string (i.e. VersionSuffixRaw) and create the VersionSuffix with String.Replace inside the .csproj; it just got ignored for some reason.

注意:存在 Build.SourceBranchName ,该名称具有分支名称的最后一部分,因此,如果 SourceBranch refs/heads/feature/foo SourceBranchName 将是 foo .但是,由于版本字符串中的_无效,因此分支命名 feature/JIRA-123_foo_unittest 无效.

Note: There is Build.SourceBranchName which has the last part of a branchname, so if SourceBranch is refs/heads/feature/foo, SourceBranchName will be foo. However a branch namd feature/JIRA-123_foo_unittest will not work since _ is not valid in a version string.


对于其他通过搜索找到此内容的人,现在有一个替换表达式: MS Doc

For others finding this through searches, there is now a replace expression: MS Doc


Roughly like this to replace underscores with hypens:

  suffix: $[replace(variables['build.sourcebranchname'], '_', '-')]


10-21 07:29