I am having a problem on using created custom widget. I have successfully created a custom widget that produces .dll file. I placed this .dll file under bin/designer. It was also recognized in the designer. I used it and placed it on my ui. But when I tried to build it, error occurred.
debug \ moc_scribblearea.cpp(44):错误C2491:'ScribbleArea :: staticMetaObject':不允许定义dllimport静态数据成员
debug\moc_scribblearea.cpp(44) : error C2491: 'ScribbleArea::staticMetaObject' : definition of dllimport static data member not allowed
debug \ moc_scribblearea.cpp(54):警告C4273:'ScribbleArea :: metaObject':DLL链接不一致d:\ project \ qt \ workspace \ sample-build-desktop \ debug ../../sample/scribblearea.h(53):请参见"metaObject"的先前定义
debug\moc_scribblearea.cpp(54) : warning C4273: 'ScribbleArea::metaObject' : inconsistent dll linkage d:\project\qt\workspace\sample-build-desktop\debug../../sample/scribblearea.h(53) : see previous definition of 'metaObject'
debug \ moc_scribblearea.cpp(59):警告C4273:'ScribbleArea :: qt_metacast':DLL链接不一致d:\ project \ qt \ workspace \ sample-build-desktop \ debug ../../sample/scribblearea.h(53):请参阅"qt_metacast"的先前定义
debug\moc_scribblearea.cpp(59) : warning C4273: 'ScribbleArea::qt_metacast' : inconsistent dll linkage d:\project\qt\workspace\sample-build-desktop\debug../../sample/scribblearea.h(53) : see previous definition of 'qt_metacast'
debug \ moc_scribblearea.cpp(67):警告C4273:'ScribbleArea :: qt_metacall':DLL链接不一致d:\ project \ qt \ workspace \ sample-build-desktop \ debug ../../oep/scribblearea.h(53):请参阅"qt_metacall"的先前定义
debug\moc_scribblearea.cpp(67) : warning C4273: 'ScribbleArea::qt_metacall' : inconsistent dll linkage d:\project\qt\workspace\sample-build-desktop\debug../../oep/scribblearea.h(53) : see previous definition of 'qt_metacall'
How can I use my created custom widget correctly? Are there any document/reference that describes how to use custom widget, from copying .dll to bin/designer folder upto building a project?
I have never created a custom widget stored in a .dll, therefore I can't help your on your primary question, but I have a workaround to offer:
If your custom widget is relatively simple (it does not have complex properties that explicitly require the Form-Editor) you can create a placeholder of another kind (e.g. a superclass of your widget) in your container-form, to be able to set the basic properties like position, geometry, size & size-policy and then replace this placeholder with your custom widget using some simple code in the container-form constructor.
a.从QGraphicsView继承的自定义小部件GuiInpImageView:GuiInpImageView :: GuiInpImageView(QWidget * parent):QGraphicsView(parent)
a. A custom widget GuiInpImageView inheriting from QGraphicsView:GuiInpImageView::GuiInpImageView(QWidget *parent):QGraphicsView(parent)
b. A mainwindowbase.ui (class MainWindow) at which you actually want to put an instance of GuiInpImageView
Put the .cpp source & header file for GuiInpImageView directly in your project (not in a DLL)
在MainWindow类头中定义以下私有成员:GuiInpImageView * inpImageView;
Define the following private member in MainWindow class header:GuiInpImageView *inpImageView;
在Form-Editor中打开mainwindowvase.ui,然后将QGraphicsView小部件放置在您实际想要放置自定义GuiInpImageView小部件的位置.假设您已经创建了一个名为inpImageViewVertLayout的垂直布局,其中包含一个名为inpImageViewPH(PH = PlaceHolder)的QGraphicsView.如果需要,还可以设置几何形状Min&使用QtCreator的表单编辑器中公开的属性来设置最大大小"和inpImageViewPH的大小策略.
Open the mainwindowvase.ui in Form-Editor and put a QGraphicsView widget at the position you actually wanted to put your custom GuiInpImageView widget.Let's say you have created a vertical layout named inpImageViewVertLayout containing a QGraphicsView named inpImageViewPH (PH = PlaceHolder).You can also set -if you wish- the geometry, Min & Max Size and the size policy of inpImageViewPH using the properties exposed in form-editor of QtCreator.
Put the following code into your MainWindow constructor:
MainWindow :: MainWindow(QWidget * parent):QMainWindow(parent)
// Main Window Constructor
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
setupUi(this); // Setup UI
// Replace inpImageViewPH with custom Widget
// (inpImageViewPH is just a place holder to visualize UI in design mode)
inpImageView = new GuiInpImageView(centralwidget);
// Remove and hide placeholder, keep only the Custom View
This is the easiest way I have found to insert a custom widget in a form using code (without creating a .DLL) but to have also a graphical-preview and some control about the position & size of the widget in the form-container.
Hope this helps...