< Style x:Key =costCenterStyleTargetType ={x:Type igDataPresenter:CellValuePresenter}BasedOn ={StaticResource isEditableStyle}>
< Style.Triggers>
< DataTrigger Binding ={绑定路径= DataItem.IsChanged [CostCenter]}Value =已更改>
< Setter Property =BackgroundValue =LightSalmon/>
< / DataTrigger>
< DataTrigger Binding ={Binding Path = DataItem.IsChanged [CostCenter]}Value =ChangedButNotCommited>
< Setter Property =BorderThickness值=2/>
< Setter Property =BorderBrushValue =LightSalmon/>
< / DataTrigger>
< /Style.Triggers>
< / Style>
< igDataPresenter:Field Name =CostCenterLabel =Cost Center>
< igDataPresenter:Field.Settings>
< igDataPresenter:FieldSettings
CellValuePresenterStyle ={StaticResource costCenterStyle}/>
< / igDataPresenter:Field.Settings>
< / igDataPresenter:Field>
Kannabiran B
Hi all,
i am using MVVM architecture in WPF application, right now its working fine as when i made some changes in the Costcenter cell onlostfocus the bordercolor or background color will get change, like wise the color should get changed while its binding itself when the data is populated in the gris itshould be highlighted. How can i do that any idea? My working code is below.since im very new to this getting struck.
<Style x:Key="costCenterStyle" TargetType="{x:Type igDataPresenter:CellValuePresenter}" BasedOn="{StaticResource isEditableStyle}" >
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=DataItem.IsChanged[CostCenter]}" Value="Changed">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="LightSalmon"/>
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=DataItem.IsChanged[CostCenter]}" Value="ChangedButNotCommited">
<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="2"/>
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="LightSalmon"/>
<igDataPresenter:Field Name="CostCenter" Label="Cost Center">
CellValuePresenterStyle="{StaticResource costCenterStyle}"/>
Kannabiran B
这篇关于突出显示单元格边框/背景颜色WPF,MVVM XamDataGrid的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!