

我正在使用一个类[itemadded,itemupdated eventreceiver方法]类.现在,我想传递几个参数,包括splistitem,currentlist,currentweb和另外两个字符串参数.

I am having an class [ itemadded, itemupdated eventreceiver methods] class .Now I want to pass few parameters including splistitem,currentlist, currentweb, another 2 string parameters .

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            SPUser currUser = properties.Web.CurrentUser;
            this.EventFiringEnabled = false;
                    SPSite parentSite =新的SPSite(properties.SiteId);
                    SPUserToken systemToken = parentSite.SystemAccount.UserToken;
                   字符串siteURL = properties.RelativeWebUrl;
                    SPListItem currentitemAdded = properties.ListItem;
                    SPList父母pList = currentitemAdded.ParentList;
                Logger.WriteLog(Logger.Category.High,"GrantPermissionsToUsersCurrentPDLFROM_SGSFListItem_EvtR​​ecvr",expinAssignPermission_SGSFLISTITEM_PDL.Message.ToString()+"__" + expinAssignPermission_SGSFLISTITEM_PDL.StackTrace.            }

            this.EventFiringEnabled = true;


 public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
            SPUser currUser = properties.Web.CurrentUser;
            this.EventFiringEnabled = false;
                    SPSite parentSite = new SPSite(properties.SiteId);
                    SPUserToken systemToken = parentSite.SystemAccount.UserToken;
                    string siteURL = properties.RelativeWebUrl;
                    SPListItem currentitemAdded = properties.ListItem;
                    SPList parentspList = currentitemAdded.ParentList;
            catch (Exception expinAssignPermission_SGSFLISTITEM_PDL)
                Logger.WriteLog(Logger.Category.High, "GrantPermissionsToUsersCurrentPDLFROM_SGSFListItem_EvtRecvr", expinAssignPermission_SGSFLISTITEM_PDL.Message.ToString() + "__" + expinAssignPermission_SGSFLISTITEM_PDL.StackTrace.ToString());

            this.EventFiringEnabled = true;


              private void  impersonateTest(siteURL,currentitemAdded,parentspList);

             private void  impersonateTest(siteURL,currentitemAdded,parentspList);


  字符串strPCFILPFieldVal ="Y";
                    string  AselectedprojectStatusValue = string.Empty;


   string strPCFILPFieldVal ="Y";
                   string  AselectedprojectStatusValue =string.Empty;

  FetchPCFListFieldValues(currentItemPCF, oSPList, tokenWeb, objspauthor, tokenSite, strPCFILPFieldVal, AselectedprojectStatusValue, userValue_Editor);



the above is my method in itemadded() and i need to define the method              


FetchPCFListFieldValues(currentItemPCF, oSPList, tokenWeb, objspauthor, tokenSite, strPCFILPFieldVal, AselectedprojectStatusValue, userValue_Editor);



I mean, I will create a separate class called PCFPDLUpdate within the same "assembly/namespace" of this eventreceiver 



       私有无效UpdatePCLILPFieldinPDL(SPListItem CurrentListItem,SPList CurrentList,SPWeb CurrentWeb,SPUser objspauthor,SPSite CurrentSite,字符串paramstrPCFILPFieldVal,SPFieldUserValue paramuserValue_Editor)


public class PCFPDLUpdate

        public PCFPDLUpdate() { }

        private void UpdatePCLILPFieldinPDL(SPListItem CurrentListItem, SPList CurrentList, SPWeb CurrentWeb, SPUser objspauthor, SPSite CurrentSite, string paramstrPCFILPFieldVal, SPFieldUserValue paramuserValue_Editor)

            //do some manipulation on another doc lib item, thats passed as a parameter from the previous






 } //end of namespace

现在我的问题是如何创建类[在同一名称空间中]的对象  PCFPDLUpdate ,并使用以下方法执行名为  UpdatePCLILPFieldinPDL()的方法currentlistitem,string1,string2,objSPAuthor作为参数 ?

now my question is how can I create a object of the class [ in the same namespace]  PCFPDLUpdate and execute a method called  UpdatePCLILPFieldinPDL() with currentlistitem, string1, string2, objSPAuthor  as parameters ?

我的疑问是,由于itemadd方法驻留在从spitemeventreceiver继承的 类中,因此我还应该为自定义类继承spitemeventreceiver父类

my doubt is , since the itemadded methods are residing in the  class thats  inheriting from spitemeventreceiver, should I also inherit the spitemeventreceiver parent class, for my custom class


PCFPDLUpdate ? if not, any other interfaces or something do I need to inherit , such that, i can get the correct currentsplistitem object thats set inside the itemadded()



如果要这样做,请确保您的列表/库已将两个事件接收器都部署到该列表/库.如果您在itemadded事件接收器中更新了一个项目,它将触发一个itemupdated事件处理程序.这样,您可以在itemupdated事件中访问当前项目 使用SPItemEventProperties的处理程序.除当前项目外,如果您要将任何其他元数据传递给itemupdated事件处理程序,则可以在同一列表中创建隐藏列以存储要传递的信息,也可以使用任何其他自定义项 实现相同的逻辑.

If you want to do that, make sure your list/library has both event receivers deployed to that. If you update an item in itemadded event receiver, it will trigger an itemupdated event handler. By doing so, your current item can be accesed in itemupdated event handler using SPItemEventProperties . Apart from the current item, if you want to pass any other metadata to itemupdated event handler, either you can create hidden columns in same list to store information to be passed or make use of any other custom logic to achieve the same.


10-20 21:57