df<-read.table(text="Study.ID Studlab Cohort.size No.DTA No.TAA Operative.mortality.DTA Operative.mortality.TAA
30 Coselli2016 3309 0 3309 NA 249
42 Estrera2015 1896 646 1273 79 223
212 Youssef2015 62 NA 62 NA 14
203 Weiss2012 240 72 168 2 7
189 Tabayashi2010 102 4 98 0 6", sep="", header=T)
but I need it to look like this
基本上重新塑形并添加2个新列 Studlab.R和组。 Studlab.R是 Studlab和 group列的组合。
Basically reshaping and adding 2 new columns "Studlab.R and group" . Studlab.R is a combination of 'Studlab" and "group" columns.I found different links for reshaping (eg here but I am still struggling with this
Any advice will greatly appreciated.
我将使用 tidyverse gather()
/ code>包,并分3个步骤执行此操作,首先收集NO.XXX,然后在步骤3中将Operative.XXX合并在一起后,在其中添加带有变异的列'Studlab.R'
I would use gather()
from tidyverse
package and do this in 3 steps first gather the NO.XXX and than the Operative.XXX after taht join it together in Step 3 add the column 'Studlab.R' with mutate
df2 <- df %>%
select(-starts_with("Operative")) %>%
gather(key = "group", value = "No.DTR.TAA", No.DTA, No.TAA) %>%
mutate(group = str_remove(group, "No\\."))
df_tmp <- df %>%
select(-starts_with("No")) %>%
gather(key = "group", value = "Operative.mortality.DTA.TAA", Operative.mortality.DTA, Operative.mortality.TAA) %>%
mutate(group = str_remove(group, "Operative\\.mortality\\."))
df2 <- df2 %>%
full_join(df_tmp) %>%
mutate(Studlab.R = paste0(Studlab, " (", group, ")"))