

(此问题与 此处 )

(This question pertains to the JS-XSL demo found here)

简短地告诉您此演示的目的是什么;它以MS Excel文件作为输入,解析数据并以纯文本格式输出数据.我下载了该软件包(zip)并在本地运行,只需通过Chrome打开html文件即可.

To briefly tell you what this demo is for; it takes a MS Excel file as input, parses the data, and outputs the data in text-only format. I downloaded the package (zip) and ran it locally, simply by opening the html file with Chrome.


The problem is, I just cannot seem to get over the following error:

Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at 'file:///C:/Users/David/Desktop/Xlsx%20Demo/xlsworker.js' cannot be accessed from origin 'null'.


And above error points to line 34 of the html file, which has the following code:

/* I changed the file path from './xlsworker.js' to 'xlsworker.js' */
var worker = new Worker('xlsworker.js');


There are only three files for this demo: the html file itself, and two javascript files, one is named xls.js and the other xlsworker.js. All three files are in the same directory and at the same level.


What's rather baffling to me is, I successfully ran this same demo about a couple months ago! I cannot imagine if I am doing anything differently now. Any insight?



您需要一台服务器(甚至像 http://docs.python.org这样的简单服务器/2/library/simplehttpserver.html )

You need a server (even something simple like http://docs.python.org/2/library/simplehttpserver.html)


10-20 13:37