


考虑针对 / employees / {id} 端点的此JSON响应:

123:John Doe

使用Retrofit和RxJava,我如何反序列化为名称 age

理想情况下,我希望RxJava的 onNext 方法用 Employee 对象调用。这可能吗?这可能是用某种类型的自定义反序列化器子类(我现在使用Gson)?

我意识到我可以创建一个 EmployeeResponse 直接映射到JSON响应的对象,但必须将 EmployeeResponse 映射到 Employee 每次我在一个活动中使用这个对象似乎都是一种不幸。当平面响应也包含需要反序列化并设置为 Employee 中的字段的其他对象时,它也变得更加复杂。



完整的解决方案这看起来好像很多,但这会让你用 Employee 而不是 EmployeeResponse 编写Retrofit接口。以下是游戏计划:

  • 您仍然需要 EmployeeResponse Employee 对象,其中 EmployeeResponse 恰好映射到您从API获得的内容。将响应视为 Employee 的构建器,并编写一个静态工厂方法,该方法从<$ c $返回 Employee c> EmployeeResponse ,即。 Employee employee = Employee.newInstance(response);

  • 您将创建一个自定义 TypeAdapterFactory 为Gson。当Gson看到你请求一个 Employee 对象时,我们将使TypeAdapter实际创建一个 EmployeeResponse ,然后返回 Employee 通过上面描述的静态工厂方法。


  public class EmployeeAdapterFactory实现TypeAdapterFactory {
@Override public< T> TypeAdapter< T> create(Gson gson,TypeToken< T> type){
return type.getRawType()== Employee.class
? (TypeAdapter< T>)employeeAdapter(gson,(TypeToken< Employee>)类型)

Private TypeAdapter< Employee> employeeAdapter(Gson gson,TypeToken< Employee> type){
return new TypeAdapter< Employee>(){
@Override public void write(JsonWriter out,Employee value)throws IOException {
$ b @Override public Employee read(JsonReader in)throws IOException {
return Employee.newInstance(gson .fromJson(in,EmployeeResponse.class));

$ / code>


  Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapterFactory(new EmployeeAdapterFactory())

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()。baseUrl(https://foo.bar)
.. 。/ /您的其他Retrofit配置,如RxJava调用适配器工厂

现在您可以安全地定义您的所有Retrofit界面, Employee 而不是 EmployeeResponse

The API I'm working with returns objects (and their containing objects) in a "flat" format and I'm having trouble getting this to work elegantly with Retrofit and RxJava.

Consider this JSON response for an /employees/{id} endpoint:

    "id": "123",
    "id_to_name": {
        "123" : "John Doe"
    "id_to_age": {
        "123" : 30

Using Retrofit and RxJava, how do I deserialize this to a Employee object with fields for name and age?

Ideally I'd like RxJava's onNext method to be called with an Employee object. Is this possible? Could this perhaps be done with some type of custom deserializer subclass (I'm using Gson at the moment)?

I realize I could create an EmployeeResponse object that maps directly to the JSON response, but having to map the EmployeeResponse to the Employee object every time I use this in an activity seems kind of unfortunate. It also gets much more complicated when the flat response also contains other objects that need to get deserialized and set as fields on the Employee.

Is there a better way?


The complete solution to this will seem like a lot, but this will let you write Retrofit interfaces with Employee instead of EmployeeResponse. Here's the game plan:

  • You will still need both EmployeeResponse and Employee objects, where EmployeeResponse just maps exactly to what you'd get from the API. Treat the response as a builder for Employee and write a static factory method that returns an Employee from an EmployeeResponse, ie. Employee employee = Employee.newInstance(response);
  • You will be creating a custom TypeAdapterFactory for Gson. When Gson sees you request a Employee object, we will have the TypeAdapter actually create an EmployeeResponse, then return the Employee via the static factory method described above.

Your TypeAdapterFactory will look something like this:

public class EmployeeAdapterFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory {
  @Override public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {
    return type.getRawType() == Employee.class
           ? (TypeAdapter<T>) employeeAdapter(gson, (TypeToken<Employee>) type)
           : null;

  private TypeAdapter<Employee> employeeAdapter(Gson gson, TypeToken<Employee> type) {
    return new TypeAdapter<Employee>() {
      @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, Employee value) throws IOException {
        // TODO serialization logic to go from an Employee back to EmployeeResponse structure, if necessary

      @Override public Employee read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
        return Employee.newInstance(gson.fromJson(in, EmployeeResponse.class));

Register the factory when you make Gson:

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
    .registerTypeAdapterFactory(new EmployeeAdapterFactory())

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl("https://foo.bar")
    ... // your other Retrofit configs, like RxJava call adapter factory

And now you can safely define all your Retrofit interfaces with Employee instead of EmployeeResponse.


10-20 12:43