


FieldID DocumentID ClassID PreValue PreScore PreStatus PostValue PostScore PostValueChanged

1 123 1约翰80.00约翰80.00 N

2 123 1 123456 71.23 N 1234 0.00 Y

1 124 2 Tom 95.65 Y Tom 95.65 N

2 124 2 5689 53.26 N 5689 53.26 Y

有人可以帮助SQL以下列方式获取数据: -

DocumentID ClassID 1- PreValue 1-PreScore 1-PreStatus 1-PostValue 1-PostScore 1-PostValueChanged 2-PreValue 2-PreScore 2-PreStatus 2-PostValue 2-PostScore 2-PostValueChanged

123 1 John 80 Y John 80 N 123456 71.23 N 1234 0 Y

124 2 Tom 95.65 Y Tom 95.65 N 5689 53.26 N 5689 53.26 Y



I have a table which contains data as shown below.

FieldID DocumentID ClassID PreValue PreScore PreStatus PostValue PostScore PostValueChanged

1 123 1 John 80.00 Y John 80.00 N

2 123 1 123456 71.23 N 1234 0.00 Y

1 124 2 Tom 95.65 Y Tom 95.65 N

2 124 2 5689 53.26 N 5689 53.26 Y

Could someone please help with a SQL to get data in following fashion:-

DocumentID ClassID 1-PreValue 1-PreScore 1-PreStatus 1-PostValue 1-PostScore 1-PostValueChanged 2-PreValue 2-PreScore 2-PreStatus 2-PostValue 2-PostScore 2-PostValueChanged

123 1 John 80 Y John 80 N 123456 71.23 N 1234 0 Y

124 2 Tom 95.65 Y Tom 95.65 N 5689 53.26 N 5689 53.26 Y

I tried using the Pivot Clause but couldn't get it. Please help.

thanks, Inder


;with document_n as (
select * from document 
where PostValueChanged='N'),
 document_y as (
select PreValue,PreScore,PreStatus,PostValue,PostScore,PostValueChanged from document 
where PostValueChanged='Y'),

select * from document_n inner join 
              document_y on   document_n.document_id= document_y.document_id and                                                                                                                       document_n.classid= document_y.classid

Declare @colPivot varchar(Max)
Select @colPivot = STUFF((Select Distinct TOP 100 Percent ',' + quotename(CONVERT(VARCHAR(255),RTRIM(LTRIM(t2.FieldID))) + 'PreValue')
				From [dbo].[tbldocument] as t2 Inner join [dbo].[tbldocument] as t3 on t3.DocumentID=t2.DocumentID 
				where t2.BatchClassID=t3.BatchClassID
				Order by ',' + quotename(CONVERT(VARCHAR(255),RTRIM(LTRIM(t2.FieldID))) + 'PreValue')
				For xml path(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

Print @colPivot

Declare @query varchar(Max)

Set @query = 'Select * From (Select		
							convert(varchar(255),[FieldID]) + ''PreValue'' as Fieldwise
			Pivot(max([PreValue]) For Fieldwise	 IN ('+ @colPivot +'))p'
PRINT (@query)
Exec (@query)


10-20 10:21