

我正在制作yocto映像,该映像是使用syslinux从usb棒启动的.我想隐藏很多启动输出.通过阅读 yocto文档似乎添加启动屏幕应将其隐藏.我已经将splash添加到了IMAGE_FEATURES,但是没有出现启动屏幕,并且syslinux引导输出仍然可见.知道我做错了什么吗?也欢迎提供其他有关如何隐藏该引导输出的建议.

I'm making a yocto image which I'm booting from a usb stick using syslinux. There's a lot of boot output that I'd like to hide. From reading the yocto docs it looks like adding a splash screen should hide this. I have added splash to the IMAGE_FEATURES, but the splash screen doesn't appear, and the syslinux boot output is still visible. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Other suggestions on how to hide that boot output also welcome.



To add splash screen into the image, in your local.conf, add

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " psplash"


The psplash recipe is in /poky/meta/recipes-core/psplash.


Another option is to create core-image-full-cmdline which will have psplash in it.

编辑:如果要修改初始屏幕,请git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/psplash

Edit: If you want to modify the psplash screen, git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/psplash


have a .png image of yours with the same screen dimension


go to the psplash directory and find make-image-header.sh

$./make-image-heaer.sh <your-image>.png POKY_IMG


Note that I used POKY_IMG is because I want to replace the newly created psplash files in poky/meta/recipes-core/psplash/files/psplash-poky-img.h


There is also another psplash in poky/meta-yocto/recipes-core/psplash. This one is psplash_git.bbappend which will override the one in /poky/meta/recipes-core/psplash.

psplash_git.bbappend中,将my-splash-img.h添加到文件目录后,可以添加SPLASH_IMAGES = "file://my-splash-img.h;outsuffic=default"来选择初始图像.

In psplash_git.bbappend, after you have added your my-splash-img.h to the file directory, you could add SPLASH_IMAGES = "file://my-splash-img.h;outsuffic=default" for it to choose your splash image.


To change color of the background, bar, etc. you will need to go to ${WORKDIR}/psplash/git/psplash-colors.h. The color is in hex. After you have done, create a patch file to use it for next time compile.


10-20 06:46