

我很难找到将WADL转换为java的命令行工具。不管我多少尝试谷歌,跟随博客或java.net doc,没有真正的下载链接。 (链接断开或过时)。

I have real difficulty finding commandline tool to convert WADL to java. No matter how much I try to google, follow blogs or java.net doc, there is no real download link. (links are broken or obsolete).


What particular vendor, community group is supplying this tool ? Does free download link exist ?

生成的代码应该能够从XML响应重建POJO,并在Tomcat 7中生存。

The generated code should be able to reconstruct POJOs from XML responses and survive inside Tomcat 7.Thank you


  • 将Apache-CXF-2.4.1.zip(不是任何早期版本)

  • 将其解压缩到根文件夹

  • 将Apache-CXF- 2.4.1.src.zip

  • 在src中搜索命名分发文件

  • 提取分配文件夹并将其合并,不覆盖到根文件夹

  • goto bin并发现wadl2java.bat

  • 从命令提示符运行wadl2java.bat

  • 继续没有脑子细节

  • Take Apache-CXF-2.4.1.zip (not any of the earlier versions)
  • Extract it to root folder
  • Take Apache-CXF-2.4.1.src.zip
  • Search for folder named distribution inside src
  • Extract ditribution folder and merge it with no overwrites to root folder
  • goto bin and spot the wadl2java.bat
  • run wadl2java.bat from command prompt
  • continue with no brainer details


最近添加了对的REST服务。有关其 wadl2java 工具的更多背景信息,此应该有帮助。

Apache CXF recently added support for WADL-first development of REST services. For more background information on its wadl2java tool, this blog entry by one of the CXF committers should help.


10-19 22:25