


 (string =:&& ;)-> T 


我认为指示符可能是一个概念,例如,泛型函数。来自CLHS ...



  • 在实现中如何实现指示符的示例是什么?

  • 该机制是否可以由用户以任何方式扩展?

  • 这种机制在指定人之间是否一致? (从clhs看,似乎有18种指示符)







这简化了必须使用字符串和类似字符串的函数。例如,您可以定义 make-person 函数,该函数带有字符串指示符:

 (defun make -person(名称)


指定符的概念不过是使定义灵活的API更加容易的编程约定。 Common Lisp被定义为一种统一一堆现有Lisps的语言,它可能是统一不同实现的行为的更简便方法之一。


我不知道返回列表指定者指定的列表的函数,但是编写起来很容易(这不能处理 t 的特殊行为以及大小写所需要的其他,但是它通常处理列表指示符):

$ c>(defun to-list(x)
(if(listp x)x
(list x)))


 (defmacro deftransform(name& rest args)
`(setf (gethash',name * transforms *)
(make-transform,@ args)))
 (defmacro deftransform(name& rest args)
(setf(get',name'transform) (make-transform,@ args)))

然后可以将转换指示符的概念定义为转换对象或符号(在* transforms *表中指定该符号的值,或该符号上的transform属性的值)。例如:

 (defun transform(x)
(if(transformp x)x
(gethash name) ****)))
 (defun transform(x)
(if(transformp x)x
(get x'transform)))


Svante just blew my mind by showing string designators in another answer do this:

(string= :& "&") -> T

Looking at CLHS, they say A designator is an object that denotes another object. which is fine but as these are different objects some kind of coercion needs to happen somewhere. By which I mean if the following list designator can be satisfied by a 'non-nil atom' some logic exists somewhere for handling this.

I thought designators just could be a concept resulting from, for example, generic functions.. but the following line from CLHS...

... makes then seem very concrete.

So my questions

  • What is an example of how designators could be implemented in an implementation?
  • Is this mechanism extensible in any way by users?
  • Is this mechanism consistent across designators? (looking in clhs it seems there are 18 kinds of designator)



A designator is nothing more (or less) than an object that designates another. There's nothing special in the language about them; the concept of designators is just one that makes certain programming practices easier. The glossary says:

The link to that section is helpful:

Being able to look for things in the glossary helps. For instance, a string designator is something that can stand for a string:

The standard also happens to define the function string that gets the string designated by a string designator:

This simplifies the implementation of functions that have to work with strings and string like things. For instance, you can define a make-person function takes a string designator:

(defun make-person (name)
  "Return a person with the name designated by NAME."
  (list :name (string name)))

(defun person-name (person)
  "Return the name of a person (a string)."
  (getf person :name))

The concept of designator isn't anything but a programming convention that makes defining flexible APIs easier. Common Lisp was defined as a language to unite a bunch of existing Lisps, and it may have been one of the easier ways to unify the behavior of different implementations.

There's a concept of list designator that gets used in case

I don't know of a function that returns the list designated by a list designator, but it's easy enough to write (this doesn't handle the special behavior of t and otherwise that case needs, but it handles list designators in general):

(defun to-list (x)
  "Return the list designated by x."
  (if (listp x) x
    (list x)))

Conventions like these can be useful in your own code sometimes, especially if you're defining things where there's a "registry" of things. E.g., if you have written either of:

(defmacro deftransform (name &rest args)
  `(setf (gethash ',name *transforms*)
         (make-transform ,@args)))
(defmacro deftransform (name &rest args)
  (setf (get ',name 'transform) (make-transform ,@args)))

Then you can define the concept of a transform designator as either a transform object, or a symbol (which designates the value for the symbol in the *transforms* table, or the value of transform property on the symbol). E.g.:

(defun transform (x)
  (if (transformp x) x
    (gethash name *transforms*)))
(defun transform (x)
  (if (transformp x) x
    (get x 'transform)))

That might make parts of your code easier to use. Function designators are similar


10-19 20:51