

我在时间跨度值,让我们说: TSP1 = 2每小时5分钟的路程。
我有一个包含像一个值的另一时间跨度变量: TSP2 = 0小时2分

I have a value in TimeSpan, let's say: tsp1 = 2 hour 5 minutes. I have another TimeSpan variable which contains a value like: tsp2 = 0 hours 2 minutes

请告诉我,我该怎么划分 TSP1 TSP2 使我可以得到的时间 TSP2 划分的确切数量为 TSP1 ,什么剩余部分。

Please tell me how I can divide tsp1 by tsp2 so that I can get the exact number of times tsp2 divides into tsp1 and what the remainder is.

我使用Visual Studio 2008。

I am using Visual Studio 2008.




The simplest approach is probably just to take their lengths in ticks, and divide those. For example:

long ticks1 = tsp1.Ticks;
long ticks2 = tsp2.Ticks;

long remainder;
long count = Math.DivRem(ticks1, ticks2, out remainder);

TimeSpan remainderSpan = TimeSpan.FromTicks(remainder);

Console.WriteLine("tsp1/tsp2 = {0}, remainder {1}", count, remainderSpan);


10-19 18:41