


我正在努力使用C#.Net自动化Open Office文档。我在使用Microsoft互操作库的办公自动化方面做了一些工作。但是在Open Office的情况下,我发现了像AODL库这样的东西。


有一些例子在 []但是我仍然没有正确获取任何文档对象。

TextDocument document = new TextDocument();在这里,即使在引用AODL lib之后,我也缺少TextDocument类。我想我实际上缺少一些OOPS技巧来调用所有对象。


Hello developer,

I am struggling to automate Open Office document using C# .Net. I have done some work regarding office automation using Microsoft interope libraries. But in case of Open Office I have found something like AODL libraries.

I have downloaded it from the Apache web site and gave reference to my project of the AODL.dll file. Unfortunately I am not able to create any instance of new odt file.

There are examples given on AODL snippets[^] but still i am not getting any even document object properly.

TextDocument document = new TextDocument(); here I am missing TextDocument class even after referring AODL lib. I guess I am actually missing some OOPS tricks to invoke all object.

Please suggest any place on the net where I can find total implementation of AODL. Any small but complete snippet along with its implementation will do for me.



10-19 18:21