我有一个像这样的 Jenkins 流水线作业:
I have a Jenkins pipeline job like this:
triggers {
parameterizedCron(env.BRANCH_NAME == "master" ? "0 12 * * * % RUN_E2E=true;MODE=parallel" : "")
Later I have conditional logic like this:
stage('Build Release') {
when {
allOf {
branch 'master'
not {
triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
但是,triggerBy 没有被激活.即,不是由 timerTrigger 触发的".即使在 parameterizedCron 运行时似乎也是如此.
The triggeredBy is not activated however. That is, "not triggered by timerTrigger" appears to be true even when the parameterizedCron runs.
我从 这里的文档中得到了这个例子.
I got this example from the docs here.
我的问题是,如果我希望我的构建/发布阶段仅在分支 == master 上执行,而在 parameterizedCron 执行期间不,我该怎么做?
My question is, if I want my build/release stage to execute only on branch == master, and not during the parameterizedCron execution, how can I do that?
你的问题是 parameterizedCron
不是 TimerTrigger
,只有常规 cron
Your problem is that parameterizedCron
is not a TimerTrigger
, only the regular cron
满足您的要求的最简单方法是添加一个参数并在 parameterizedCron
The easiest way to go about your requirement is to add a parameter and set it in parameterizedCron
triggers {
parameterizedCron(env.BRANCH_NAME == "master" ? "0 12 * * * % RUN_E2E=true;MODE=parallel;SHOULD_BUILD_RELEASE=no" : "")
stage('Build Release') {
when {
allOf {
branch 'master'
expression { SHOULD_BUILD_RELEASE == 'yes' }
否则,您可能会以编程方式发现触发构建的原因,如果发现是 parameterizedCron 触发了构建/发布部分,则退出构建/发布部分.有关示例,请参阅此处.在 parameterizedCron
Otherwise, you may programmatically discover why your build was triggered, and drop out of the build/release part if it turns out that parameterizedCron has triggered it. See here for an example. In the case of parameterizedCron
, the relevant part is this:
timerCause = currentBuild.rawBuild.getCause(org.jenkinsci.plugins.parameterizedscheduler.ParameterizedTimerTriggerCause)
if (timerCause) {
echo "Build reason: Build was started by parameterized timer"
Finally, you may try playing around with the exact class, like this (I haven't checked it and it may or may not work):
stage('Build Release') {
when {
allOf {
branch 'master'
not {
triggeredBy 'ParameterizedTimerTriggerCause'
这篇关于由 Jenkins 管道中的参数化 Cron 触发的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!