本文介绍了Django StreamingHttpResponse格式错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有简单的Django视图,用于从Amazon s3下载文件。

I have simple Django view, for downloading file from Amazon s3.Test by saving file locally was alright:

def some_view(request):

    res = s3.get_object(...)

        s3_file_content = res['Body'].read()
        with open("/Users/yanik/ololo.jpg", 'wb') as f:
            # file saved and I can view it

切换到 StreamingHttpResponse 我的文件格式不正确(无法打开)甚至错误的大小(如果原始的是317kb的图像输出木头在大约620kb)

When switch to StreamingHttpResponse I got incorrect file format (can't open) and even wrong size (If original is 317kb image the output wood be around 620kb)

def some_view(request):

    res = s3.get_object(...)

    response = StreamingHttpResponse(res['Body'].read(), content_type=res['ContentType'])
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=' + 'ololo.jpg'
    response['ContentLength'] = res['ContentLength']
    return response


Tried many different setting, but so far nothing worked for me. The output file is broken.

我设法获得更多的首个信息。如果我将第一个样本中的文件写入方法从'wb'更改为'w'模式,我将具有相同的输出与 StreamingHttpResponse (第一个视图将生成相同的破碎文件)。

I managed to get more debuting information. If I change my file writing method in first sample from 'wb' to 'w' mode I'll have same output as with StreamingHttpResponse (first view will generate same broken file).So it looks like I must tell http header that my output is on binary format

现在我明白了问题。 但仍然没有解决方案
res ['Body']。read()返回字节类型和 StreamingHttpResponse 遍历这些字节,返回字节码。所以我漂亮的输入字节'... \x05cgr\xb8 =:\xd0\xc3\x97U\xf4\xf3\xdc\xf0 * \xd4 @ \\ \\ xff\xd9'强制转换为数组,如: [...,195,151,85,244,243,220,240,42,212, 255,217] ,然后像串联字符串一样下载。截图:

Now I'm understand the problem. But still don't have the solution.The res['Body'].read() returns bytes type and StreamingHttpResponse iterate through these bytes, which returns byte codes. So my pretty incoming bytes '...\x05cgr\xb8=:\xd0\xc3\x97U\xf4\xf3\xdc\xf0*\xd4@\xff\xd9' force converted to array like: [ ... , 195, 151, 85, 244, 243, 220, 240, 42, 212, 64, 255, 217] and then downloaded like concatenated strings. Screenshot: http://take.ms/JQztkAs you see, the list elements in the end.

"""Turn a value into a bytestring encoded in the output charset."""



StreamingHttpResponse needs an iterator. I think if your file is binary (image), then StreamingHttpResponse is not the best solution, or you should create chunks of that file.


Bytearray is an iterator but perhaps you want to go on lines not on bytes/characters.


I'm not sure if your file is line based text data, but if it is, you could create a generator in order to iterate over the file like object:

def line_generator(file_like_obj):
    for line in file_like_obj:
        yield line


and feed that generator to the StreamingHttpResponse:

    res = s3.get_object(...)
    response = StreamingHttpResponse(line_generator(res['Body']), ...)
    return response

这篇关于Django StreamingHttpResponse格式错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-19 11:23