


For my final year project i'l be taking the photographs from the mobile phone and then will be computing the image processing steps. I will the taking the images under various illumination conditions (natural light, poor lightning conditions and so on). Does any one knows any algorithm that I can use to compute it?



  1. 我认为良好的白平衡仍然是一个活跃的研究领域。从您的问题来看,很难说出所寻求的解决方案应该是什么先进以及您需要什么。

  1. Good whitebalancing is still an active field of research I guess. From your question, it is hard to tell how "advanced" the sought solution is supposed to be and what you need exactly.


In some other context, I recently encountered this paper. They have a quite complicated approach for Whitebalancing and produce good results:


Check the related work section for more hints, as usual.

如果你对白平衡不太感兴趣,而是需要进一步处理图像(听起来有点像评论中的那些),你应该瞄准对照明相当不变的技术 - 或至少强烈抵御照明的变化。例如。根据您的实际问题,在任何分隔亮度/亮度(即YUV,HSV)的色彩空间中转换图像可能会有所帮助。根据我的经验和直觉,我建议在大多数情况下,最好让你的识别算法再次强化照明的变化 - 而不是首先纠正照明。

If you are less interested in whitebalancing but rather require to process the images further (sounds a bit like that in your comment), you should possibly aim for techniques that are rather invariant to illumination - or at least robust against changes in illumination. E.g. transforming your image in any colorspace that separates the brightness/luminance (i.e. YUV, HSV) might help, depending on your actual problem. From my experience and intuition, I would suggest that in most cases it is better to make your "recognition"-algorithm robust agains changes in illumination - rather than correcting the illumination first.


10-19 09:06