

我们知道有一个规则",即不应在FixedUpdate()内部使用Input函数; Input.GetKeyDown()可能无法正常工作,但是使用Input.GetKey()真的不对吗?

We know there's a "rule" that Input functions shouldn't be used inside the FixedUpdate(); Input.GetKeyDown() may not work if we do so, but is it really wrong to use Input.GetKey()?


Let's say we want to fire something when pressing and holding a key at some rate that is not dependent on hardware performance. I don't want to create a logic to control this using delta time or writing key detection code in Update and firing code in FixedUpdate.


Doesn't make sense to just do everything inside FixedUpdate? What can happen - we may lose some key pressed events, the ones that we didn't want anyway, to keep our desired rate.

但是,如果发生一个关键事件怎么办,我们会输掉它吗? Update之后是否有重置,所以我们不会在FixedUpdate上看到它吗?

But what if one single key event happens, can we lose it? Is there a reset after Update, so we won't see it on FixedUpdate?


来自GetKeyDown 文档:


So yes, the Input state is reset each frame meaning hardware will have an effect depending on how frequently Update fires between FixedUpdate.


There really isn't an easy way to avoid creating a copy of the Input that is used by FixedUpdate, though I would suggest reevaluating your logic to move things in to Update.



Regarding Rutter's comment below. I just noticed the OP was asking about GetKey(), what I wrote about GetKeyDown() remains true for GetKey() though the documentation doesn't explicitly say so.


This can be verified by going in to the Time Manager and changing the FixedUpdate rate to some long interval like 1 second. Then do something like:

void FixedUpdate() {
        Debug.Log("D-Key Down");
    } else {
        Debug.Log("No key down");


If you press and release 'D' between the 1 second fixed frames you will only see "No Key Down".


10-19 08:01