Suppose you have a window nib, owned by a NSWindowController which loads the nib.
NSWindowController有一个IBOutlet(通过Interface Builder)绑定到窗口上的UI控件。
The NSWindowController has an IBOutlet bound (via Interface Builder) to a UI control on the window.
Is it true that you can't dispose the window controller by releasing it because the binding causes a unbreakable circular dependency between the window controller and the control?
In situations like this, writing a focused sample application, and observing execution in the debugger is a great way to understand how things work.
只需通过文件所有者绑定就不会导致保留周期(10.4和更高版本)。 NSWindowController(和NSViewController)采取措施避免这个问题。
Simply binding through File's Owner should not cause retain cycles (on 10.4 and later). NSWindowController (and NSViewController) take steps to avoid this problem.
如果你遇到一个情况,你的绑定导致保留周期,有策略来避免它们。 (具体设置的详细信息可能需要具体建议。)
If you do run into a situation where your bindings are causing retain cycles, there are strategies to avoid them. (Further details for your specific setup is probably necessary to over specific advice.)