how to translate the following Applescript to appscript:
tell application "System Events"
key code 0 using command down
end tell
我想执行的命令+ A般的捷径,即选择所有文本。
I want to perform "Command + A"-like short cut, i.e., select all texts.
看这是安装为Appscript的一部分应用ASTranslate。它转换的AppleScript到Appscript为Python或Ruby。要知道它只是陷阱苹果事件,因此不会转化AppleScript的结构如循环等。这是非常容易使用。刚刚过去的AppleScript的一个窗格,打CMD-R,它会生成翻译Appscript + Python的code。为了您的例子是
Look at the application ASTranslate which was installed as part of Appscript. It translates Applescript to Appscript for Python or Ruby. Be aware it just traps Apple Events and thus won't translate Applescript structures like loops or the like. It's very easy to use. Just past your Applescript in one pane, hit cmd-R, and it'll generate the translated Appscript + Python code. For your example it is
应用程序(u'System事件')。KEY_ code(0,使用= k.command_down)
app(u'System Events').key_code(0, using=k.command_down)
While occasionally you'll find something that won't work quite right in general ASTranslate is an essential tool for using Appscript.
这篇关于翻译Applescrip [键code 125使用的命令下] appscript的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!