本文介绍了Win32:BitTest,BitTestAndComplement,...< - 如何禁用这个垃圾?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


WinNT.h在VS2008 SP1安装中有以下几行:

WinNT.h has the following lines in it, in the VS2008 SP1 install:

#define BitTest _bittest
#define BitTestAndComplement _bittestandcomplement
#define BitTestAndSet _bittestandset
#define BitTestAndReset _bittestandreset
#define InterlockedBitTestAndSet _interlockedbittestandset
#define InterlockedBitTestAndReset _interlockedbittestandreset


I have a number of templates that are based on BitTest<>()


通常,MS提供一个#define XXX符号,如果定义,将禁用一些违规部分的标题 - 例如NOMINMAX。

Oftentimes MS does provide a #define XXX symbol which, if defined, will disable some offending portion of their header - e.g. NOMINMAX.


I have been unable to find such a solution to the above problem.

与微软的许多可疑的选择,阅读。如果没有,请停在这里。 ;)

If you share frustration with Microsoft's many dubious choices, the read on. If not, stop here. ;)


  • 为什么Microsoft不能使用

  • 或者为什么他们不能使用BITTEST像每个人都知道你
    应该 - 总是使用全帽的

  • 2010年,微软仍然在#defining
    的事情? WTF?


不幸的是,Microsoft认为可以使他们的API使用宏名称,因为他们为95%或更多的API做它们,以使它们对ANSI和Unicode API透明地工作。

Unfortunately, Microsoft believes it's OK to make their APIs use macros for names since they do it for 95% or more of their APIs to make them work 'transparently' for ANSI vs. Unicode APIs.


It doesn't look like they've provided a clean way to prevent the macro from being defined. I think you're stuck with choosing from several bad options, including:

  • #undef BitTest 自己

  • 修改 winnt.h 标题

  • 隔离您使用的代码Windows API直接插入不依赖于 BitTest<> 模板的模块

  • #undef BitTest yourself
  • modify the winnt.h header
  • segregate your code that uses Windows APIs directly into modules that aren't dependent on your BitTest<> template

我确定还有其他选项 - 我只是不确定哪一个是最不讨厌的。

I'm sure there are other options - I'm just not sure sure which one is the least distasteful.

这篇关于Win32:BitTest,BitTestAndComplement,...&lt; - 如何禁用这个垃圾?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-19 00:15