

这是我的data.table看起来像。 A:E列只是绘制与excel的比较。列 NewShares 是我所需的列。我不要在我的数据中有该列。

dt< ('
InitialShares级价格金额CashPerShare NewShares
1573.333 0 9.5339 13973.71 0 1573.333
0 1 10.2595 0 .06689 1584.73
0 1 10.1575 0 .06689 1596.33
0 1 9.6855 0 .06689 1608.58')

我试图计算 NewShares 假设通过将股息( NewShares * CashPershare )再投资于 InitialShares 90%的价格( Price * .9 )。在excel land中,公式将为第二行的 = F2 +((F2 * E3 * B3)/(C3 * 0.9))。第一行等于 InitialShares

在R land,我试图):

  dt [,NewShares:= cumsum(InitialShares [1] * Level * CashPerShare /(Price * .9) InitialShares [1])] 

请注意小数点 NewShares 一旦生成字段为了验证您的方法。



  dt [,NewShares:= cumprod(1 + Level * CashPerShare / Price / 0.9)* InitialShares [1]] 

This is what my data.table looks like. The A:E columns are just to draw comparison to excel. Column NewShares is my desired column. I DO NOT have that column in my data.

            A           B        C         D         E          F
  InitialShares     Level     Price    Amount   CashPerShare NewShares
         1573.333       0      9.5339   13973.71    0          1573.333
           0            1      10.2595    0       .06689       1584.73
           0            1      10.1575    0       .06689       1596.33
           0            1      9.6855    0       .06689       1608.58')

I am trying to calculate NewShares with the assumption that new shares are added to InitialShares by reinvesting dividends(NewShares*CashPershare) at 90% of the price(Price*.9). In excel land the formula will be =F2+((F2*E3*B3)/(C3*0.9)) as of the second row. The first row is just equal to InitialShares.

In R land, I am trying(which is not quite right):

dt[,NewShares:= cumsum(InitialShares[1]*Level * CashPerShare/(Price*.9)+InitialShares[1])]

Please pay attention to the Decimal points of NewShares once you generate the field in order to validate your approach.


If you expand your formula, you'll realize that this works:

dt[, NewShares := cumprod(1+Level*CashPerShare/Price/0.9)*InitialShares[1]]


10-18 23:54