


I'm not understanding why I can't run sqlacodegen. I'm looking to use it for create a SQLAlchemy model from my existing PostgreSQL database. It won't run.

当我键入sqlacodegen --help寻求帮助时,会得到:

When I type sqlacodegen --help for help I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: '_Helper'



这是因为您是在Python shell中完成的:

It is because you did this in Python shell:

>>> import sqlacodegen
>>> sqlacodegen --help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: '_Helper'

您应该已经在 Unix命令shell/Windows命令提示符中执行了sqlacodegen --help:

You should have executed sqlacodegen --help in your Unix command shell / Windows command prompt:

% sqlacodegen --help
usage: sqlacodegen [-h] [--version] [--schema SCHEMA] [--tables TABLES]
                   [--noviews] [--noindexes] [--noconstraints] [--nojoined]
                   [--noinflect] [--outfile OUTFILE]

Generates SQLAlchemy model code from an existing database.

positional arguments:
  url                SQLAlchemy url to the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version          print the version number and exit
  --schema SCHEMA    load tables from an alternate schema
  --tables TABLES    tables to process (comma-separated, default: all)
  --noviews          ignore views
  --noindexes        ignore indexes
  --noconstraints    ignore constraints
  --nojoined         don't autodetect joined table inheritance
  --noinflect        don't try to convert tables names to singular form
  --outfile OUTFILE  file to write output to (default: stdout)


An example of the actual command would then be:

% sqlacodegen --outfile models.py \


Where gollyjer:swordfish are your credentials in the format user:password.


10-17 00:50