本文介绍了C ++向下转换到基于变量的派生类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Suppose I have a base class "Shape", and derived classes "Triangle", "Square", and "Circle".A member of "Shape" is an int "shapeType".

如果shapeType == 1,那么它是一个三角形。
如果shapeType == 2,那么它是一个正方形。
如果shapeType == 3,那么它是一个圆。

If shapeType==1, then it's a triangle.If shapeType==2, then it's a square.If shapeType==3, then it's a circle.


I'm interested in knowing given I have just a "Shape" object that was once a derived-object, if there is a way to "dynamically" down-cast to the proper derived class by using the shapeType value.


I know I can do a hard-code switch statement, roughly like:

Triangle* t;
Square* s;
Circle* c;

switch (shape->shapeType) {
case 1:
   t = (Triangle*)shape;
case 2: 


However, the above requires me to make a pointer of EVERY derived class possibility. I am wondering if there is a way to do this without hard-coding every class, but instead somehow determine the class type map where the key is the shapeType and the value is the class type.


如果他们有虚函数,则使用 dynamic_cast

If they've virtual functions, then use dynamic_cast:

t = dynamic_cast<Triangle*>(shape);
if ( t )
     //use t

但是请注意:你应该尝试以这样一种方式定义类和虚函数,你几乎不需要使用 dynamic_cast 。一般来说,喜欢定义良好的接口和多态性。

But take a note: you should try defining the classes and virtual functions in such a way that you would hardly need to use dynamic_cast. Prefer well-defined interface, and polymorphism, in general.


class Shape
     ~virtual Shape() {} //destructor must be virtual - important!
      virtual double Area() const = 0;

class Triangle : public Shape
     Triangle(double a, double b, double c);
     virtual double Area() const 
         //calculate area and return it!

Shape *s = new Traingle(10,20,30);
double aread = s->Area(); //calls Traingle::Area()

不需要使用 shapeType 变量。

这篇关于C ++向下转换到基于变量的派生类的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-16 22:18