本文介绍了SectionReports的LicenseException,ActiveReports 7.0.6158.0的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我正在开发的MVC应用程序中,我们最近开始使用ActiveReports 7来实现我们的报告生成需求。在我本地的机器上,一切都很好用。但是,当我们部署到我们的Dev服务器进行团队级测试时,我们得到一个 LicenseException:

In an MVC app I am working on, we've recently began using ActiveReports 7 for our report-generating needs. On my local machine, everything works great. However, when we deploy to our Dev server for team-level testing, we get a LicenseException:



We followed the user guide here to attempt different ways to resolve the problem.


  • 确保 licenses.licx 文件引用程序集,并正在构建正确的ActiveReports 7程序集由我们的项目引用。就像这样,licenses.licx文件看起来像这样(没有换行符):

  • Ensured that the licenses.licx file references the assemblies, and that the correct ActiveReports 7 assemblies are being built with and referenced by our project. As it stands, the licenses.licx file looks like this (sans the line-breaks):

GrapeCity .ActiveReports.SectionReport,GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v7,Version = 7.0.6158.0,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = cc4967777c49a3ff

GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf.Section.PdfExport,GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Export.Pdf .v7,Version = 7.0.6158.0,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = cc4967777c49a3ff

  • 是一个MVC Web项目,使用AR7附带的Assembly License Generator来创建一个[Assembly] .Web.License.dll库,我们正在使用 / lib / 目录在解决方案级别。该更改对许可证异常没有影响。

  • As this is a MVC web project, used the Assembly License Generator that comes with AR7 to create an [Assembly].Web.License.dll library, which we are building with the project in a /lib/ directory at the solution-level. This change had no effect on the License exception.

使用Web Key Generator为App.config文件创建一个密钥。这个变化对许可证异常没有影响。

Used the Web Key Generator to create a key for the App.config file. This change had no effect on the License exception.


  • 创建了一些Web表单,并创建了一个使用我们的项目构建的App_License.dll库。我们没有这样做的原因是我们没有为我们的报告使用Web控件,我们甚至没有使用 GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web 程序集,并且错误不会来从这个图书馆的任何一个类(这是合乎逻辑的,看我们如何不使用它)。

  • Created some web form, and created an App_License.dll library that gets built with our project. The reason we did not do this is we are not using Web controls for our reports, we are not even using the GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web assembly, and the error is not coming from any class in that library (which is logical, seeing how we're not using it.)


The only notable detail of all of this is that modifying the licenses.licx file had an early effect as we had a similar license exception on another component; ensuring that licenses.licx had the proper details ensured that that other component was no longer throwing LicenseExceptions in our app. I tentatively think from this that maybe my licenses.licx file still lacks something needed to make this app work.


The only thing remaining I can think to do is to recommend our lead license our server as a developer, but this possibility has already come up, and the direction we've been asked to take is to avoid that route if at all possible. I think it is possible because I have encountered similar posts involving people who followed the steps in the user guide above and presumably were able to solve the issue. Yet, for my team, these steps aren't working.



使用Assembly许可证生成器,如您所做的那样,应该做的诀窍。另外,请确保您正在使用最新版本的AR7,这是根据,在一些更新版本的ActiveReports 7中修复了一些修复,以纠正在这种情况下许可的一些问题。具体来说,从以前引用的帖子中给出的步骤说,按照以下步骤,更新的版本更正了别人的问题:

Using the Assembly License Generator as you have done should do the trick. Also, make sure that you are using the latest version of AR7 as according to this post on the ActiveReports 7 Support Forums, there was a fix done to some later version of ActiveReports 7 to correct some problem with licensing in this scenario. Specifically the steps given from the previously cited post said that following the below steps with the updated version corrected someone else's problem:

  • 运行程序 ApplicationLicenseGenerator.exe(作为管理员)从类似于C:\Program Files\Common Files\ComponentOne\ActiveReports Developer 7\ApplicationLicenseGenerator.exe的位置

  • 浏览到编译的ActiveReports DLL。

  • 按生成按钮。

  • 这将生成一个类似于yourclasslibraryname.dll.GrapeCity.Licenses的卫星组件.dll

  • 将DLL放在Web项目的bin文件夹中,或者在Web服务项目中引用生成的DLL。

  • Run the program "ApplicationLicenseGenerator.exe" (as Administrator) from a location similar to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ComponentOne\ActiveReports Developer 7\"ApplicationLicenseGenerator.exe"
  • Browse to the compiled ActiveReports DLL.
  • Press the "Generate" Button.
  • This generates a satellite assembly similar to yourclasslibraryname.dll.GrapeCity.Licenses.dll
  • Place the DLL in the bin folder of your web project and/or reference the generated DLL in your web service project.

这篇关于SectionReports的LicenseException,ActiveReports 7.0.6158.0的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-16 18:55