本文介绍了我想问一下关于NI-PCI5152数据采集卡在VC ++环境下的数据采集功能。的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GenericSimulatedAcquisition.h"
ViStatus _VI_FUNC niScope_GenericSimulatedAcquisition (void)
ViStatus error = VI_SUCCESS;
ViChar errorMessage[MAX_ERROR_DESCRIPTION] = " ";
ViSession vi;
// Variables used to get values from the GUI
ViChar resourceName[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
ViChar channelName[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
ViChar model[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
ViChar triggerSource[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
ViChar tempStr[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
ViChar optionString[MAX_STRING_SIZE*2]; // Twice as big since we concatenate various strings;
ViReal64 verticalRange;
ViInt32 verticalCoupling;
ViReal64 probeAttenuation;
ViReal64 verticalNoise;
ViReal64 inputImpedance;
ViReal64 maxInputFrequency;
ViReal64 minSampleRate;
ViInt32 minRecordLength;
ViBoolean enforceRealTime;
ViInt32 numRecords;
ViReal64 refPos;
ViInt32 triggerType;
ViInt32 triggerSlope;
ViReal64 triggerLevel;
ViInt32 measurement;
// Default values used in this example
ViReal64 verticalOffset = 0.0;
ViReal64 triggerHoldoff = 0.0;
ViReal64 triggerDelay = 0.0;
ViInt32 triggerCoupling = NISCOPE_VAL_DC;
ViReal64 timeout = 5.0;
ViInt32 numWaveform;
ViInt32 actualRecordLength;
ViReal64 actualSampleRate;
// Waveforms
struct niScope_wfmInfo *wfmInfoPtr = NULL;
ViReal64 *waveformPtr = NULL;
ViReal64 *scalarResultPtr = NULL;
ViReal64 *meanPtr = NULL;
ViReal64 *stdevPtr = NULL;
ViReal64 *minPtr = NULL;
ViReal64 *maxPtr = NULL;
ViInt32 *numInStatsPtr = NULL;
// Obtain the resource name and simulation parameters from user interface
GetResourceNameFromGUI (resourceName, model, type, &verticalNoise);
// The option string must be in the form of: Simulate=1,DriverSetup=Noise:4.0;Model:5122;BoardType:PXI;
strcpy (optionString, "Simulate=1,DriverSetup=Noise:");
// Convert the noise to a string and append to what we had
sprintf (tempStr, "%f", verticalNoise);
strcat (optionString, tempStr);
// Append model
strcat (optionString, ";Model:");
strcat (optionString, model);
// Append type
strcat (optionString, ";BoardType:");
strcat (optionString, type);
strcat (optionString, ";");
// Open the NI-SCOPE instrument handle with the options for simulation
handleErr (niScope_InitWithOptions (resourceName, NISCOPE_VAL_FALSE, NISCOPE_VAL_FALSE,
optionString, &vi));
// Loop until the stop flag is set
while (!stop)
// Obtain the necessary parameters from the user interface
GetParametersFromGUI (channelName, &verticalRange, &verticalCoupling,
&probeAttenuation, &inputImpedance, &maxInputFrequency,
&minSampleRate, &minRecordLength, &enforceRealTime, &numRecords, &refPos,
&triggerType, triggerSource, &triggerSlope, &triggerLevel, &measurement);
// Configure the vertical parameters
handleErr (niScope_ConfigureVertical (vi, channelName, verticalRange, verticalOffset,
verticalCoupling, probeAttenuation, NISCOPE_VAL_TRUE));
// Configure the channel characteristics
handleErr (niScope_ConfigureChanCharacteristics (vi, channelName, inputImpedance,
// Configure the horizontal parameters
handleErr (niScope_ConfigureHorizontalTiming (vi, minSampleRate, minRecordLength,
refPos, numRecords, enforceRealTime));
// Configure the trigger type
switch (triggerType)
case 0: //Edge Trigger
handleErr (niScope_ConfigureTriggerEdge (vi, triggerSource, triggerLevel,
triggerSlope, triggerCoupling,
triggerHoldoff, triggerDelay));
case 1: //Digital Trigger
handleErr (niScope_ConfigureTriggerDigital (vi, triggerSource, triggerSlope,
triggerHoldoff, triggerDelay));
case 2: //Immediate Triggering
handleErr (niScope_ConfigureTriggerImmediate (vi));
//don't do anything
// Initiate the acquisition
handleErr (niScope_InitiateAcquisition (vi));
// Find out the current record length and number of waveforms
handleErr (niScope_ActualNumWfms (vi, channelName, &numWaveform));
handleErr (niScope_ActualRecordLength (vi, &actualRecordLength));
// Allocate space for the waveform and measurements according to the
// record length and number of waveforms
if (wfmInfoPtr)
free (wfmInfoPtr);
wfmInfoPtr = (struct niScope_wfmInfo*) malloc (sizeof (struct niScope_wfmInfo) * numWaveform);
if (waveformPtr)
free (waveformPtr);
waveformPtr = (ViReal64*) malloc (sizeof (ViReal64) * actualRecordLength * numWaveform);
if (scalarResultPtr)
free (scalarResultPtr);
scalarResultPtr = (ViReal64*) malloc (sizeof (ViReal64) * numWaveform);
if (meanPtr)
free (meanPtr);
meanPtr = (ViReal64*) malloc (sizeof (ViReal64) * numWaveform);
if (stdevPtr)
free (stdevPtr);
stdevPtr = (ViReal64*) malloc (sizeof (ViReal64) * numWaveform);
if (minPtr)
free (minPtr);
minPtr = (ViReal64*) malloc (sizeof (ViReal64) * numWaveform);
if (maxPtr)
free (maxPtr);
maxPtr = (ViReal64*) malloc (sizeof (ViReal64) * numWaveform);
if (numInStatsPtr)
free (numInStatsPtr);
numInStatsPtr = (ViInt32*) malloc (sizeof (ViInt32) * numWaveform);
// If it doesn't have enough memory, give an error message
if (waveformPtr == NULL || wfmInfoPtr == NULL || scalarResultPtr == NULL ||
meanPtr == NULL || stdevPtr == NULL || minPtr == NULL || maxPtr == NULL ||
numInStatsPtr == NULL)
// Fetch the data
handleErr (niScope_Fetch (vi, channelName, timeout, actualRecordLength,
waveformPtr, wfmInfoPtr));
// Fetch the measurement
handleErr (niScope_FetchMeasurementStats (vi, channelName, timeout, measurement,
scalarResultPtr, meanPtr, stdevPtr, minPtr,
maxPtr, numInStatsPtr));
// Get the actual sample rate
handleErr (niScope_SampleRate (vi, &actualSampleRate));
// Plot the waveform
PlotWfms (numWaveform, waveformPtr, wfmInfoPtr, actualSampleRate, actualRecordLength,
scalarResultPtr, meanPtr, stdevPtr, minPtr, maxPtr, numInStatsPtr);
// Find out wether to stop or not
ProcessEvent ((int*)&stop);
Error :
// Free all the allocated memory
if (wfmInfoPtr)
free (wfmInfoPtr);
if (waveformPtr)
free (waveformPtr);
if (scalarResultPtr)
free (scalarResultPtr);
if (meanPtr)
free (meanPtr);
if (stdevPtr)
free (stdevPtr);
if (minPtr)
free (minPtr);
if (maxPtr)
free (maxPtr);
if (numInStatsPtr)
free (numInStatsPtr);
// Display messages
if (error != VI_SUCCESS)
niScope_errorHandler (vi, error, errorSource, errorMessage);
strcpy (errorMessage, "Acquisition successful!");
DisplayErrorMessageInGUI (error, errorMessage);
// Close the session
if (vi)
niScope_close (vi);
return error;
这篇关于我想问一下关于NI-PCI5152数据采集卡在VC ++环境下的数据采集功能。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!