


  class Creature {
private static long numCreated;
public Creature(){
numCreated ++;
public static long numCreated(){
return numCreated;

从我的理解, c> numCreated 不同步,如果Thread-A在下午1点创建 Creature ,并且Thread-B读取 numCreated )在下午2点, numCreated()可能返回0或1(即使线程A已经完成初始化对象在1.05pm) 。

所以我添加了同步到 numCreated() :

class Creature {
private static long numCreated;
public Creature(){
numCreated ++;
public static synchronized long numCreated(){//添加synchronized
return numCreated;

一切正常,除了我在想,if我将其修改为 Snippet C ,是 numCreated 仍正确同步?

  class Creature {
private static volatile long numCreated; // addvolatile
public Creature(){
numCreated ++;
public static long numCreated(){// removesynchronized
return numCreated;

使用它保证一旦Thread-A在下午1:05完成对象创建,Thread-B对 numCreated()的调用肯定会返回 1 ?

class Creature {
    private static long numCreated;
    public Creature() {
        synchronized (Creature.class) {
    public static long numCreated() {
        return numCreated;

From my understanding, since reading of numCreated is not synchronized, if Thread-A creates a Creature at 1pm, and Thread-B reads numCreated() at 2pm, numCreated() may well have returned either 0 or 1 (even when Thread-A has finished initializing the object at 1.05pm).

So I added synchronized to numCreated():


class Creature {
    private static long numCreated;
    public Creature() {
        synchronized (Creature.class) {
    public static synchronized long numCreated() { // add "synchronized"
        return numCreated;

and all's well, except that I was thinking, if I modify it to Snippet C, is the variable numCreated still synchronized properly?

class Creature {
    private static volatile long numCreated; // add "volatile"
    public Creature() {
        synchronized (Creature.class) {
    public static long numCreated() { // remove "synchronized"
        return numCreated;

With Snippet C, is it guaranteed that as soon as Thread-A completes object creation at 1:05pm, Thread-B's call to numCreated() is sure to return 1 ?


See http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html#MemoryVisibility:

So the answer is yes. The write of the volatile in the constructor happens before the read of the volatile in numCreated(). And since the non-atomic incrementation is still done in a synchronized block, the synchronization is alright (the incrementation is not atomic, but the write of the volatile long is).


10-15 23:16