

有人知道SORM支持哪种最新的Scala版本吗? SORM的开发也在进行中吗?最后,是否有任何计划支持noSQL数据库,或者顾名思义,它仅适用于关系数据库吗?

Does anyone know which latest scala version SORM supports? Also is the development of SORM ongoing? Finally, Are there any plans to support noSQL databases or as the name implies, is it only for relational databases?


SORM支持整个2.10.* Scala分支.

SORM supports the whole 2.10.* Scala branch.


Development is ongoing but isn't very fast. With the release of version 0.4 SORM will be hugely refactored and modularized towards much easier third-party driver development. I expect this to draw in a more substantial contribution to the project.


SORM's APIs are getting changed to get free from chains of relational drivers and to generalize with future NoSQL drivers implementations in mind. Though I must admit that no specific implementations of NoSQL drivers are planned for the 0.4.0 release, but it's planned to work on a CouchDB support after this release.


Yeah, with these plans the framework's title seems to become quite confusing, but it's the issue with the least priority right now.


10-15 16:51