本文介绍了嘲笑了EX pression与NSubstitute的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a interface that contains the following method signature:

TResult GetValue<T, TResult>(object key, Expression<Func<T, TResult>> property) where T : class;


Using Moq, I'm able to mock a specific call of this method like this:

var repo = new Mock<IRepository>();
repo.Setup(r => r.GetValue<Customer, string>("SomeCustomerId", c => c.SecretAgentId)).Returns("SecretAgentId");


Then when I do this call

repo.Object.GetValue<Customer, string>("SomeCustomerId", c => c.SecretAgentId);


Tt returns "SecretAgentId" as I expect, so everything looks fine.


My problem is that in our real production code we use NSubstitute, and not Moq. I tried using the same type of setup here:

var repo = Substitute.For<ICrmRepository>();
repo.GetValue<Customer, string>("SomeCustomerId", c => c.SecretAgentId).Returns("SecretAgentId");


However, when I do the following call here

repo.GetValue<Customer, string>("SomeCustomerId", c => c.SecretAgentId);


我试图取代 C =&GT; c.SecretAgentId Arg.Any&LT;防爆pression&LT; Func键&LT;客户,串&GT;&GT;&GT;()如果只是为了看看它的工作原理,然后,再返回SecretAgentId预期。但我需要验证它被称为与正确的前pression,而不是任何EX pression。

I tried replacing c => c.SecretAgentId with Arg.Any<Expression<Func<Customer, string>>>() just to see if it works then, and then it returns "SecretAgentId" as expected. But I need to verify that it is called with the correct expression, and not just any expression.


So I need to know if it is possible to get this to work in NSubstitute, and if it is, how?



I can't remember exact syntax, so forgive me if this isn't A1 correct, and it is a bit kludgy but...


I believe you were on the right track when you tried Arg.Any, however try using Arg.Is like this:

Arg.Is<Expression<Func<Customer, string>>>(x => { 
    var m = ((Expression)x).Body as MemberExpression;
    var p = m.Member as PropertyInfo;
    return p.Name == "SecretAgentId";

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10-22 10:48