

只是出于好奇 - 我在我之前的问题中因试图将按钮放置在锚定图像中而被钉住了.我查看了文档和其他问题,虽然每个人都说不应该这样做,但他们并没有说明原因.

Simply out of curiosity - I have been nailed in my previous question for trying to put button within an anchored image. I looked at documentations and other questions and although everyone is saying that it should not be done, they are not saying why.

即使是文档 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element 声明锚内不应该有交互式内容,但没有告诉我推理.

Even the documentation http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element states that there should be no interactive content within anchor, but does not tell me the reasoning.


Does anyone know why is it such a horrible practice to do so?



<a href="http://google.com">

现在,当您按下 select 元素时,这些操作将生效(按顺序):

Now when you press on select element these actions will take effect (in order):

  1. 打开选择下拉菜单.
  2. click 事件添加到父级(在本例中为 ).
  3. 元素跟随它的 href 值(此时您离开当前页面).
  4. (经过人体的一些延迟)您将选择所需的选项(但您已经离开了网站)
  1. Open select dropdown.
  2. Bubble click event to parent (<a> in this case).
  3. <a> element follows it's href value (at this point you leave current page).
  4. (after some delay by human body) You would select desired option (but you had already left website)
