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本文介绍了R:使用ggplot2的散点图矩阵,主题因方面面板而异的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我想用ggplot2创建Scatter Plot Matrix。部分地,我应付了我的问题。我设法使用ggplot2创建三部分图:下三角形 - 散点图,对角变量名称和上三角形相关系数(R ^ 2)。下面我给出了一段我的数据+代码生成我的图表。 我的数据: f = C xval V yval corr V1 1 1622 1 1622 1 2ng 1 1622 2 1639 0.997 2ng 1 1622 3 1584 0.992 2ng 1 1622 4 1549 0.99 2ng 1 1622 5 1541 0.993 2ng 1 1622 6 1543 0.994 2ng 1 1622 7 1530 0.988 2ng 2 1639 1 1622 0.997 5ng 2 1639 2 1639 1 5ng 2 1639 3 1584 0.997 5ng 2 1639 4 1549 0.997 5ng 2 1639 5 1541 0.998 5ng 2 1639 6 1543 0.998 5ng 2 1639 7 1530 0.995 5ng 1584 1 1622 0.992 10ng 3 1584 2 1639 0.997 10ng 3 1584 3 1584 1 10ng 3 1584 4 1549 0.997 10ng 3 1584 5 1541 0.995 10ng 1584 6 1543 0.999 10ng 3 1584 7 1530 0.999 10ng 4 1549 1 1622 0.99 15ng 4 1549 2 1639 0.997 15ng 4 1549 3 1584 0.997 15ng 4 1549 4 1549 1 15ng 4 1549 5 1541 0.998 15ng 4 1549 6 1543 0.998 15ng 4 1549 7 1530 0.998 15ng 5 1541 1 1622 0.993 30ng 5 1541 2 1639 0.998 30ng 5 1541 3 1584 0.995 30ng 5 1541 4 1549 0.998 30ng 5 1541 5 1541 1 30ng 5 1541 6 1543 0.998 30ng 5 1541 7 1530 0.995 30ng 6 1543 1 1622 0.994 60ng 6 1543 2 1639 0.998 60ng 6 1543 3 1584 0.999 60ng 6 1543 4 1549 0.998 60ng 6 1543 5 1541 0.998 60ng 6 1543 6 1543 1 60ng 6 1543 7 1530 0.998 60ng 7 1530 1 1622 0.988 100ng 7 1530 2 1639 0.995 100ng 7 1530 3 1584 0.999 100ng 7 1530 4 1549 0.99 8 100ng 7 1530 5 1541 0.995 100ng 7 1530 6 1543 0.998 100ng 7 1530 7 1530 1 100ng 和代码: g geom_point(data = f [(xtfrm(f $ C) geom_smooth(data = f [(xtfrm(f $ C) geom_text(data = f [(xtfrm(f $ C)== xtfrm(f $ V)),],aes(x = 4000,y = 4000,label = paste(V1)),size = 10, color =red)+ geom_tile(aes(fill = corr))+ geom_text(data = f [(xtfrm(f $ C)> xtfrm(f $ V)),], aes(x = 4000,y = 4000,label = corr),size = 10)+ coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,8000),ylim = c(0,8000))+ facet_grid (V〜C,space =fixed)+ theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),strip.background = element_blank(),strip.text.y = element_blank(),strip.text。 x = element_blank(),legend.position =none) g 然而, ,对于改善图形的外观,我有一个问题。我想用不同的背景颜色分隔图的一部分,例如:散点图的白色背景,变量名称的灰色和相关系数的蓝色。有谁知道该怎么做?是否有可能或者我必须分别创建图形的每个部分?解决方案一种方法是分别创建每个图然后将它们放在一起。这允许您为每个绘图单独设置所有绘图元素,包括背景填充颜色等主题元素。 下面的函数使用 mapply 为每个 V 和 C ,并且使用 if 语句为每个绘图分配所需的背景色。 / p> library(gridExtra) p.list = mapply(FUN = function(v,c){ fvc = f [f $ V == v& f $ C == c,] g coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,8000),ylim = c(0,8000))+ theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(size = 8)) if(c == v){g = g + geom_text(aes(x = 4000,y = 4000,label = V1) , size = 6,color =red)} if(c g = g + geom_text(aes(x = 4000 ,y = 4000,label = corr),size = 6)+ theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = hcl(180,100,60,alpha = 0.3)))} if(c> v){g = g + geom_point(color =darkblue,size = 1.5)+ geom_smooth(aes(color =red),method =lm,size = 0.1)+ theme(panel.background如果(v!= 1){ $ bg = g + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())} if(c!= max(f $ C)){g = g + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())} return(g)}, expand.grid(V = unique(f $ V),C = unique(f $ C))[[1]], expand.grid( V =唯一(f $ V),C =唯一(f $ C))[[2]],SIMPLIFY = FALSE) 现在将所有图表放在一起并添加x轴和y轴标签: grid .arrange( arrangeGrob( arrangeGrob(textGrob(Y vals,rot = 90), do.call(arrangeGrob,c(p.list,nc ), textGrob(X vals),heights = c(0.95,0.05))) 正如您在上图中还有一个问题:由于轴标签的原因,第一列和最后一列的面板有较小的绘图区域。 I want to create Scatter Plot Matrix using ggplot2. Partially I coped with my problem. I managed to create three-part graph using ggplot2: the lower triangle - Scatterplot, diagonally - variable names and the upper triangle - correlation coefficient (R^2). Below I give piece of my data + code generating my chart.My data: f = C xval V yval corr V11 1622 1 1622 1 2ng1 1622 2 1639 0.997 2ng1 1622 3 1584 0.992 2ng1 1622 4 1549 0.99 2ng1 1622 5 1541 0.993 2ng1 1622 6 1543 0.994 2ng1 1622 7 1530 0.988 2ng2 1639 1 1622 0.997 5ng2 1639 2 1639 1 5ng2 1639 3 1584 0.997 5ng2 1639 4 1549 0.997 5ng2 1639 5 1541 0.998 5ng2 1639 6 1543 0.998 5ng2 1639 7 1530 0.995 5ng3 1584 1 1622 0.992 10ng3 1584 2 1639 0.997 10ng3 1584 3 1584 1 10ng3 1584 4 1549 0.997 10ng3 1584 5 1541 0.995 10ng3 1584 6 1543 0.999 10ng3 1584 7 1530 0.999 10ng4 1549 1 1622 0.99 15ng4 1549 2 1639 0.997 15ng4 1549 3 1584 0.997 15ng 4 1549 4 1549 1 15ng4 1549 5 1541 0.998 15ng4 1549 6 1543 0.998 15ng4 1549 7 1530 0.998 15ng5 1541 1 1622 0.993 30ng5 1541 2 1639 0.998 30ng5 1541 3 1584 0.995 30ng5 1541 4 1549 0.998 30ng5 1541 5 1541 1 30ng5 1541 6 1543 0.998 30ng5 1541 7 1530 0.995 30ng6 1543 1 1622 0.994 60ng6 1543 2 1639 0.998 60ng6 1543 3 1584 0.999 60ng6 1543 4 1549 0.998 60ng6 1543 5 1541 0.998 60ng6 1543 6 1543 1 60ng6 1543 7 1530 0.998 60ng7 1530 1 1622 0.988 100ng7 1530 2 1639 0.995 100ng7 1530 3 1584 0.999 100ng7 1530 4 1549 0.998 100ng7 1530 5 1541 0.995 100ng7 1530 6 1543 0.998 100ng7 1530 7 1530 1 100ngAnd code:g <- ggplot(data = f, aes(x=xval, y=yval))+ geom_point(data = f[(xtfrm(f$C)<xtfrm(f$V)),], colour = "darkblue", size = 1.5)+ geom_smooth(data = f[(xtfrm(f$C)<xtfrm(f$V)),], aes(colour = "red"), method="lm", size = 0.1)+ geom_text(data = f[(xtfrm(f$C)==xtfrm(f$V)),], aes(x = 4000, y = 4000, label = paste(V1)), size = 10, colour="red")+ geom_tile(aes(fill=corr))+ geom_text(data = f[(xtfrm(f$C)>xtfrm(f$V)), ], aes(x = 4000, y = 4000, label = corr), size = 10)+ coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,8000), ylim=c(0,8000))+ facet_grid(V~C, space = "fixed") + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")gHowever, I have got a problem for improving the appearance of the graph. I want to separate part of the graph with different background colour for example: white background for scatters, gray for variable names and blue for correlation coeff. Does anyone know how to do it? Is it possible or I have to create each part of graph separately? 解决方案 One way to do this is to create each plot separately and then lay them out together. This allows you to set all the plot elements independently for each plot, including theme elements like the background fill color. The function below uses mapply to create a separate plot for each combination of V and C, and uses if statements to assign the desired background color for each plot.library(gridExtra)p.list = mapply(FUN=function(v,c) { fvc = f[f$V==v & f$C==c, ] g <- ggplot(data=fvc, aes(x=xval, y=yval))+ coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,8000), ylim=c(0,8000))+ theme(axis.title=element_blank(), axis.text=element_text(size=8)) if (c == v) { g = g + geom_text(aes(x = 4000, y = 4000, label=V1), size = 6, colour="red") } if (c < v) { g = g + geom_text(aes(x = 4000, y = 4000, label=corr), size = 6) + theme(panel.background=element_rect(fill=hcl(180,100,60, alpha=0.3))) } if (c > v) { g = g + geom_point(colour = "darkblue", size = 1.5) + geom_smooth(aes(colour = "red"), method="lm", size = 0.1) + theme(panel.background=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_line(colour="grey80", size=0.3)) } if(v != 1) { g = g + theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) } if(c != max(f$C)) { g = g + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) } return(g) }, expand.grid(V=unique(f$V), C=unique(f$C))[[1]], expand.grid(V=unique(f$V), C=unique(f$C))[[2]], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)Now lay out all the plots together and add x-axis and y-axis labels:grid.arrange( arrangeGrob( arrangeGrob(textGrob("Y vals", rot=90), do.call(arrangeGrob, c(p.list, ncol=7)), widths=c(0.05,0.95)), textGrob("X vals"), heights=c(0.95,0.05)))As you can see in the above plot, there's one remaining issue: The panels in the first column and last row have a smaller plot area, due to the axis labels. This SO answer shows how to equalize the sizes of the plot areas, but you have to list each plot object separately. Fortunately, we don't have to roll our own function to equalize the size of all the plot areas in a large grid of plots, as plot_grid from the cowplot package, can do this. However, I thought the margins between each graph were too large after running plot_grid. You can tweak this by changing the plot margins when you create the graphs. To do this, you can adjust the plot margins in the return line of the plotting function as follows:return(g + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0,-0.15,0,-0.15), "lines"))) },Then plot using plot_grid:library(cowplot)grid.arrange( arrangeGrob( arrangeGrob(textGrob("Y vals", rot=90), do.call(plot_grid, c(p.list, align="hv")), widths=c(0.05,0.95)), textGrob("X vals"), heights=c(0.95,0.05))) 这篇关于R:使用ggplot2的散点图矩阵,主题因方面面板而异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-15 09:44