

我正在编写一个节点插件,它接受HTML画布图像数据,类型为 Uint8ClampedArray 。我想修改这个数组的内容而不需要任何额外的副本。

I'm writing a node addon which accepts HTML canvas Image data, that's of type Uint8ClampedArray. I want to modify the the contents of this array without any extra copy.

我找到的最佳候选者是 (v8 :: Object是Uint8ClampedArray的继承层次结构中的类)

The best candidate I've found is the v8::Object::Set method (v8::Object being a class in Uint8ClampedArray's inheritance hierarchy)

但是,该方法需要将v8 :: Context对象的句柄作为第一个参数。我不知道怎么做。

However that method requires a handle to v8::Context object as first argument. I don't know how to get that.

我搜索了github repos并在Webkit中找到了直接将Uint8ClampedArray指针转换为原始数组指针的代码,但这并不是似乎可以通过公共v8 API。

I've searched through github repos and found code inside Webkit that directly casts Uint8ClampedArray pointers to raw array pointers, however that doesn't seem to be possible through the public v8 API.



v8::Local<v8::Uint8ClampedArray> arr;
unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)arr->Buffer()->GetContents().Data();


10-15 09:23