

之间的 ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer 的有什么区别和 ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer 的?

What is the difference between ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer and ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer?

ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer 的不会在智能感知出现下拉,而 ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer 的其实是在列。

ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer does not show up in the Intellisense drop down whereas ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer is in fact listed.


The MSDN documentation does not make the difference immediately clear (to me at least).



I found this thread on the subject:

DoubleBuffered = true可将两者ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer和ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint。

在一个点的目的是去precate DoubleBuffer并通过使用OptimizedDoubleBuffer代替,但是线程进入的原因,可能是一个坏主意(我不知道)

At one point the intention was to deprecate DoubleBuffer and adopt the use of OptimizedDoubleBuffer instead, however the thread goes into reasons why that might be a bad idea (that I dont understand)

它看起来像整个情况是一点点迷茫,但最终这两个标志做的非常类似的事情 - 线程表明仍有OptimizedDoubleBuffer和DoubleBuffer之间的细微差别,但犯规解释它们是什么

It looks like the whole situation is a tad confused, however ultimately these two flags do very similar things - the thread indicates that there are still subtle differences between OptimizedDoubleBuffer and DoubleBuffer, but doesnt explain what they are.


10-15 01:04