


I have designed an iris shutter animation for a camera view in an iPhone app.


Unfortunately, it seems impossible to hide Apple's shutter when the view appears, even if I hide the camera controls and create a custom cameraOverlayView.


I have gotten around this by animating my shutter on top of the normal shutter when the view appears, using the viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear methods of UIImagePickerController. However, I can't get the shutter to be hidden under my shutter the first time through. When the app launches, it shows a camera view, and the original shutter is visible. On all subsequent views of the cameraController, my workaround works. Any suggestions?


Here's my code. This is from my app delegate:

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {   

  cameraController = [[CameraController alloc] initWithMode:@"camera"];
  [window addSubview:cameraController.view];



And this is from my UIImagePickerController subclass:

- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {

  if (self.sourceType != UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary || simulatorView) {
    [self addShutter];
    [shutter close];
  [super viewWillAppear:animated];


- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {

  if (self.sourceType != UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary || simulatorView) {
    [shutter openShutter:.5f];
  [super viewDidAppear:animated];



文档说,不支持子类化UIImagePickerController,因此它可能在某些情况下工作,但不是安全。不确定是否会被应用商店拒绝。 (可能取决于他们的静态代码验证工具是多么挑剔。)

Note that the docs say that subclassing UIImagePickerController isn't supported, so it may work in some cases but isn't "safe". Not sure if it would get rejected by the app store. (Probably depends on how picky their static code verification tool is.)


I don't really have a good answer, but you might try either 1) iterating over the subviews of the picker's main view to see if you can identify whatever is being used to animate the shutter, then mangle it so that it won't display, or 2) for the initial animation, just show the initial image picker main view under another opaque black view. Not sure if the user-specified overlay view would work for that or not, but you might be able to do those without subclassing.


Searching for undocumented subviews is another thing that's theoretically unsafe though since who knows how the implementation might change in the future.


10-14 19:49