


I have a location's latitude and longitude as well as the complete address. How do I figure out if it is an urban area or a rural area? Is there an API service available or something else I could use?


您可能会需要为。农村城市郊区codeS是由政府机构为每个拉链code给出的统称(通常用于确定补助和税收优惠 - 和一些机构不同的定义方法)。您可以了解从链接更多:(不要错过细节选项卡顶部)

You'll probably need commercial data for that. Rural Urban Suburban Codes is a general designation given by government agencies for each zip code (often used for determining grants and tax incentives - and some agencies define it differently). You can learn a more from the link: Rural Urban Suburban (don’t miss the detail tab at top)


10-14 09:07