本文介绍了在InputT monad中执行Haskeline中的简单IO,而不必求助于unsafePerformIO的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


鉴于以下概念代码的证明,我希望能够以某种方式执行我的 foo 函数,并能够输出字符串 Paul !以及在不使用 unsafePerformIO 的情况下获取其返回值到 InputT monad- >在 runExceptT 之后移除IO包装。

  import Control.Monad除了


类型ErrorWithIO = ExceptT字符串IO

foo :: String - > ErrorWithIO字符串
foopaul=做liftIO $ putStrLnPaul!
foo _ = throwError错误!

runRepl :: IO()
runRepl = runInputT defaultSettings $ loop

loop :: InputT IO()
loop = do
line< - getInputLine>

的情况行Nothing - > return()
只需输入 - >返回$ putStrLnasd
case unsafePerformIO $ runExceptT $ foo输入
Left err - > outputStrLn err>>循环
右分辨率 - >做
x< - outputStrLn。 show $ res

$ b main :: IO()
main = runRepl>> putStrLn再见!


InputT IO 是 MonadIO ,所以您可以使用<$ c

$ p $ lt; code> liftIO :: IO a - >这个类型的$ c> liftIO :

InputT IO a


<$ p $
x< - liftIO $ runExceptT $ foo input
case x of
Left err - > ...
正确的资源 - > ...

或者,使用 Control.Monad.Trans.lift 代替。

Given the proof of concept code below I'd like to be able to somehow perform my foo function with the ability to output the string Paul! and the possibility of getting its return value inside the InputT monad-transformer without using unsafePerformIO to remove the IO wrapper after runExceptT.

import Control.Monad.Except

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Console.Haskeline

type ErrorWithIO = ExceptT String IO

foo :: String -> ErrorWithIO String
foo "paul" = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Paul!"
                return "OK!"
foo _ = throwError "ERROR!"

runRepl :: IO ()
runRepl = runInputT defaultSettings $ loop

loop :: InputT IO ()
loop = do
    line <- getInputLine "> "
    case line of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just input -> do return $ putStrLn "asd"
                         case unsafePerformIO $ runExceptT $ foo input of
                             Left err -> outputStrLn err >> loop
                             Right res -> do
                                 x <- outputStrLn . show $ res

main :: IO ()
main = runRepl >> putStrLn "Goodbye!"

Am I missing something obvious here?


Since InputT IO is a MonadIO, you can use liftIO with this type:

liftIO :: IO a -> InputT IO a


do ...
   x <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ foo input
   case x of
     Left err  -> ...
     Right res -> ...

Alternatively, use Control.Monad.Trans.lift instead.

这篇关于在InputT monad中执行Haskeline中的简单IO,而不必求助于unsafePerformIO的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-14 09:06