

不显示隐藏的( visible = false )面板,但是对包含的元素执行数据绑定。为什么这样做?更重要的是,如何避免呢?

A hidden (visible="false") panel is not rendered, but data binding is executed on contained elements. Why is that done? And more important, how to avoid it?


Here is an example where it is annoying:

<asp:Panel ID="UserPanel" runat="server" visible="<%# SelectedUser != null %>">
    <%# SelectedUser.Name %>

如果 SelectedUser null ,则不会呈现面板,但会评估 SelectedUser.Name 并生成错误。

If SelectedUser is null, the panel is not rendered but SelectedUser.Name is evaluated and generates an error.

我显然可以写<%#SelectedUser!= null吗? SelectedUser.Name:%> ,但会增加混乱。

I could obviously write <%# SelectedUser != null ? SelectedUser.Name : "" %> but it adds clutter.


Is there a way to simply and elegantly prevent data binding within a panel when I know it is not needed?

Panel 控件在这里并不重要,它可能是带有 runat = server 的纯HTML元素。

The Panel control is not important here, it could be a Placeholder of a plain HTML element with runat="server".



I may be late on this one but I also find this very annoying.


I need this often if I am rendering a list of items where each item may be a different class - in which case the properties in the data binding expressions will give errors in the invisible sections intended for other class types. You'll know if you want this.


The best solution I have found is described here:


The solution is a simple override of the standard PlaceHolder control to suppress binding child controls if Visible is false:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace Website.Controls
    public class DataPlaceHolder : PlaceHolder 
        protected override void DataBindChildren() 
            if (Visible) 


10-14 05:46