我能够通过最重要频道.mattermost.com/developer/webhooks-incoming.html"rel =" nofollow noreferrer>传入的Webhooks
I am able to send text to Mattermost channel through incoming webhooks
import requests, json
URL = 'http://chat.something.com/hooks/1pgrmsj88qf5jfjb4eotmgfh5e'
payload = {"channel": "general", "text": "some text"}
r = requests.post(URL, data=json.dumps(payload))
this code simplly post text. I could not find a way to post file to channel. Suppose I want to post file located at /home/alok/Downloads/Screenshot_20170217_221447.png. If anyone know please share.
您目前无法使用传入的Webhooks API附加文件.您需要使用 Mattermost Client API 来发布带有附加文件的帖子.
You can't currently attach files using the Incoming Webhooks API. You would need to use the Mattermost Client API to make a post with files attached to it.
这里是如何实现此目的的示例(将Mattermost API v3用于Mattermost> = 3.5)
Here's an example of how you could achieve that (using Mattermost API v3 for Mattermost >= 3.5)
SERVER_URL = "http://chat.example.com/"
TEAM_ID = "team_id_goes_here"
CHANNEL_ID = "channel_id_goes_here"
USER_EMAIL = "[email protected]"
USER_PASS = "password123"
FILE_PATH = '/home/user/thing_to_upload.png'
import requests, json, os
# Login
s = requests.Session() # So that the auth cookie gets saved.
s.headers.update({"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}) # To stop Mattermost rejecting our requests as CSRF.
l = s.post(SERVER_URL + 'api/v3/users/login', data = json.dumps({'login_id': USER_EMAIL, 'password': USER_PASS}))
USER_ID = l.json()["id"]
# Upload the File.
form_data = {
"channel_id": ('', CHANNEL_ID),
"client_ids": ('', "id_for_the_file"),
"files": (os.path.basename(FILE_PATH), open(FILE_PATH, 'rb')),
r = s.post(SERVER_URL + 'api/v3/teams/' + TEAM_ID + '/files/upload', files=form_data)
FILE_ID = r.json()["file_infos"][0]["id"]
# Create a post and attach the uploaded file to it.
p = s.post(SERVER_URL + 'api/v3/teams/' + TEAM_ID + '/channels/' + CHANNEL_ID + '/posts/create', data = json.dumps({
'user_id': USER_ID,
'channel_id': CHANNEL_ID,
'message': 'Post message goes here',
'file_ids': [FILE_ID,],
'create_at': 0,
'pending_post_id': 'randomstuffogeshere',