I have a simple .stan program for multilevel model that was running fine in Windows. But I was getting this strange error in Linux when I was running it.
'prep_call_sampler not found'
我试图找到问题的根源,更新软件包并在线查找解决方案.最后,我在 STAN论坛
I tried to find the source of the problem, updated packages and looked up online for solutions. Finally, I saw a blog with a post describing a similar problem in the STAN forum
解决方案是在.stan程序中简单地用a * b替换a * b,并且该模型在linux上运行良好.只是想共享一下,以防其他人在使用R在linux中运行stan程序时遇到类似的问题.
The solution was to simply replace the a*b with a * b in the .stan program and the model works fine in linux. Just thought of sharing this in case others face a similar problem when running stan program in linux using R.