



     标记属性。 DOM  defaultValue 没有。  DOMAttrModified 会在标记属性发生变化时触发,所以 setAttribute  /  removeAttribute 调用以及任何改变属性的属性集。

I have a question about DOMAttrModified. Which changes to an HTML Element properties triggers the DOMAttrModified event (specifically interested in Firefox, but an answer that applies to other browsers might suffice too)?

I have the following test case :

        var elem = document.createElement('input');

        elem.id    = 'inputId';      // triggers DOMAttrModified
        elem.type  = 'text';         // triggers DOMAttrModified
        elem.value = 'inputValue';   // DOES NOT trigger DOMAttrModified
        elem.lang  = 'en';           // triggers DOMAttrModified

If I change elem.value to elem.defaultValue, then a DOMAttrModified does get triggered. Is there a comprehensive list somewhere? So far I have found HTMLInputElement's 'value' and 'checked' and HTMLOptionElement's 'selected' property not trigerring DOMAttrModified. Are there any other?

The answer at DOMAttrModified visual attributes does NOT seem to be completely correct, as 'value' is also an attribute.



The DOM value property doesn't change the HTML value markup attribute. The DOM defaultValue does. DOMAttrModified fires when markup attributes change, so on setAttribute/removeAttribute calls and on any property set that changes an attribute.


10-13 17:33