


I've looked at both of these similar SO questions:

  • AutoFixture: PropertyData and heterogeneous parameters
  • AutoFixture CompositeDataAttribute does not work with PropertyDataAttribute

他们很棒,让我快到了.但是两个示例都只在发出的IEnumerable PropertyData中使用一个条目(即:yield return new object[] { 2, 4 };-请参阅: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16843837/201308 )可以正常工作,但是每当我要对多个对象[]测试数据进行测试时,它都会爆炸.我有一整套要发送的测试数据.

And they're awesome and get me nearly there. But both examples use only one entry in the emitted IEnumerable PropertyData (i.e.: yield return new object[] { 2, 4 }; -- see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16843837/201308) This works, but it blows up whenever I want to do test over more than one object[] test data. I have a whole collection of test data I want to send.

我在想答案( https://stackoverflow.com/a/19309577/201308 )是类似于我所需要的,但我无法弄清楚.我基本上需要AutoFixture为PropertyData的每次迭代创建一个sut实例.

I'm thinking the answer here (https://stackoverflow.com/a/19309577/201308) is similar to what I need, but I can't figure it out. I basically need AutoFixture to create a sut instance for each iteration of the PropertyData.


public static IEnumerable<object[]> TestData
        // totally doesn't work
        return new List<object[]>()
            new object[] { new MsgData() { Code = "1" }, CustomEnum.Value1 },
            new object[] { new MsgData() { Code = "2" }, CustomEnum.Value2 },
            new object[] { new MsgData() { Code = "3" }, CustomEnum.Value3 },
            new object[] { new MsgData() { Code = "4" }, CustomEnum.Value4 },

        // totally works
        //yield return new object[] { new MsgData() { Code = "1" }, CustomEnum.Value1 };

返回列表将导致预期3个参数,得到2个参数"异常.如果我只返回单个yield语句,它就可以工作. (我还尝试遍历列表并产生每个项目-没什么区别,这很有意义,因为它与返回完整列表几乎完全一样.)

Returning the list results in a "Expected 3 parameters, got 2 parameters" exception. If I just return the single yield statement, it works. (I've also tried looping over the list and yielding each item -- no difference, which makes sense, seeing how it's pretty much the exact same thing as returning the full list.)


xUnit test method:

public void ShouldMapEnum(MsgData msgData, CustomEnum expectedEnum, SomeObject sut)
    var customEnum = sut.GetEnum(msgData);
    Assert.Equal(expectedEnum, customEnum);


public class AutoMoqPropertyDataAttribute : CompositeDataAttribute
    public AutoMoqPropertyDataAttribute(string dataProperty)
        : base(new DataAttribute[]
                new PropertyDataAttribute(dataProperty),
                new AutoDataAttribute(new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization())) 
    { }


What am I missing? Can I mix both PropertyData- and AutoData-driven AutoFixture attributes like this when wanting multiple iterations of the PropertyData data?


EDITHere's the exception stack trace:

System.InvalidOperationException: Expected 3 parameters, got 2 parameters
    at Ploeh.AutoFixture.Xunit.CompositeDataAttribute.<GetData>d__0.MoveNext()
    at Xunit.Extensions.TheoryAttribute.<GetData>d__7.MoveNext()
    at Xunit.Extensions.TheoryAttribute.EnumerateTestCommands(IMethodInfo method)
Result StackTrace:  
    at Xunit.Extensions.TheoryAttribute.<>c__DisplayClass5.<EnumerateTestCommands>b__1()
    at Xunit.Extensions.TheoryAttribute.LambdaTestCommand.Execute(Object testClass)


您必须按照此答案鲁宾·巴特林克(Ruben Bartelink)指出了.

You have to supply the test cases as described in this answer that Ruben Bartelink points out.

public void ShouldMapEnum(
    MsgData msgData, CustomEnum expectedEnum, SomeObject sut)
    var customEnum = sut.GetEnum(msgData);
    Assert.Equal(expectedEnum, customEnum);

public static IEnumerable<object[]> Case1 { get {
    yield return new object[] { 
        new MsgData { Code = "1" }, CustomEnum.Value1 }; } }

public static IEnumerable<object[]> Case2 { get {
    yield return new object[] { 
        new MsgData { Code = "2" }, CustomEnum.Value2 }; } }

public static IEnumerable<object[]> Case3 { get {
    yield return new object[] { 
        new MsgData { Code = "3" }, CustomEnum.Value3 }; } }

public static IEnumerable<object[]> Case4 { get {
    yield return new object[] { 
        new MsgData { Code = "4" }, CustomEnum.Value4 }; } }


However, the problem tends to be more generic (rather than specific) because of:

  1. xUnit.net通过非通用,无类型的数组对参数化测试进行建模的方式
  2. 真正使这些测试用例看起来像二等公民的基于属性的模型
  3. 带有所有这些类型声明和大括号的语言带来的噪音


For 1. and 2. and the existing xUnit.net model for parameterized tests there is not much left to do.


For 3. if the code is written in F# most of type declaration noise (and a few curly brackets) go away:

let Case1 : seq<obj[]> = seq {
    yield [| { Code = "1" }; Value1 |] }

let Case2 : seq<obj[]> = seq {
    yield [| { Code = "2" }; Value2 |] }

let Case3 : seq<obj[]> = seq {
    yield [| { Code = "3" }; Value3 |] }

let Case4 : seq<obj[]> = seq {
    yield [| { Code = "4" }; Value4 |] }

let ShouldMapEnum (msgData, expected, sut : SomeObject) =
    let actual = sut.GetEnum(msgData)
    Assert.Equal(expected, actual.Value)


Below are the types used to pass the test:

type MsgData = { Code : string }

type Custom = Value1 | Value2 | Value3 | Value4

type SomeObject () =
    member this.GetEnum msgData = 
        match msgData.Code with 
        | "1" -> Some(Value1)
        | "2" -> Some(Value2)
        | "3" -> Some(Value3)
        | "4" -> Some(Value4)
        | _   -> None

[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)>]
type AutoMoqPropertyDataAttribute (dataProperty) =
    inherit CompositeDataAttribute(


10-13 15:11