


I have created a component that has a paint override on the canvas and i would like to set a limit on minimum width and height. The scrollbar should appear at the side when the Width Or Height is less then the limit just like a scrollbox and can be scroll also.


i choose TCustomControl cause i paint and less flicker when double buffered.


any idea or better solution?


TScrollBox TCustomControl 均来自 TWinControl TScrollBox TScrollingWinControl 添加滚动条,而 TCustomControl 添加滚动条帆布。要获得所需的内容,可以将画布添加到 TScrollingWinControl ,也可以将滚动条添加到 TCustomControl

TScrollBox and TCustomControl both descend from TWinControl. TScrollBox and TScrollingWinControl add scroll bars, whereas TCustomControl adds a canvas. To get what you want, you can either add a canvas to a TScrollingWinControl, or you can add scroll bars to a TCustomControl.

比较两个类的定义(分别在 Forms.pas Controls.pas 中) ,并且应该清楚哪些功能在后代中更容易复制。 TCustomControl 添加了三个简单的方法,用大约40行代码实现。编写 TScrollingWinControl 后代,并将方法和属性从 TCustomControl 复制到其中。

Compare the definitions of the two classes (in Forms.pas and Controls.pas, respectively), and it should be clear which one's features will be easier to duplicate in your descendant. TCustomControl adds three simple methods, implemented in about 40 lines of code. Write a TScrollingWinControl descendant and copy the methods and properties from TCustomControl into it.


10-13 13:06