我花了一些时间尝试整理iOS 7中提供的自定义过渡动画。根据, UINavigationControllerDelegate
I've been spending some time trying to sort out custom transition animations available in iOS 7. According to this question, UINavigationControllerDelegate
is the way to go.
但是,没有示例或文档描述如何最好地在iOS7中进行简单的垂直过渡。 (有一个的其他过渡样式,但没有一个像上下滑动视图一样简单 - 还有一些建议只修改视图位置,但似乎像一个俗气的黑客?)。还有,但他们显然没有使用 UINavigationControllerDelegate
There are, however, no examples or documentation describing how best to approach a simple vertical transition in iOS7. (There are a plethora of other transition styles using UINavigationControllerDelegate
, but none as simple as sliding the view up and down -- there are others that suggest just modifying the view position, but that seems like a tacky hack?). There are yet others too that go as far back to 2011, but they're obviously not using UINavigationControllerDelegate
Disclaimer: I would love to provide code, but since there isn't any code yet to post... I did however create a simple example using jQuery that shows what I'm trying to achieve.
不,这不是一个俗气的黑客。那就是你做的。自定义过渡动画只是意味着您负责将新视图带入场景 - 只要它最终位于正确的位置即可。因此,从底部对其进行动画处理的方法只是将其放置在底部并将其动画到位。
No, it's not a tacky hack. That's what you do. A custom transition animation simply means that you are in charge of bringing the new view into the scene - provided it ends up in the right place. So the way to animate it in from the bottom is simply to position it at the bottom and animate it up into place.
So for example (taken almost directly from the example code in my book):
-(void)animateTransition:(id<UIViewControllerContextTransitioning>)transitionContext {
// boilerplate
UIViewController* vc1 =
UIViewController* vc2 =
UIView* con = [transitionContext containerView];
CGRect r1start = [transitionContext initialFrameForViewController:vc1];
CGRect r2end = [transitionContext finalFrameForViewController:vc2];
UIView* v1 = vc1.view;
UIView* v2 = vc2.view;
// end boilerplate
CGRect r = r2end;
r.origin.y += r.size.height; // start at the bottom...
v2.frame = r;
[con addSubview:v2];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginIgnoringInteractionEvents];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.4 animations:^{
v2.frame = r2end; // ... and move up into place
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[transitionContext completeTransition:YES];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents];
That code is adapted from my example at https://github.com/mattneub/Programming-iOS-Book-Examples/blob/master/bk2ch06p292customAnimation1/ch19p620customAnimation1/AppDelegate.m The example is almost exactly what you are describing except it's for a tab controller instead of a navigation controller and it comes in from the side instead of the bottom. But the principle is exactly the same.