


Although I've seen a lot of answers for similar questions I can't make the following code work as I think it should:

File dataDir = new File("C:\\User\\user_id");
PathMatcher pathMatcher = FileSystems.getDefault()
    .getPathMatcher("glob:" + "**\\somefile.xml");
try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(
    dataDir.toPath(), pathMatcher::matches)) {
    Iterator<Path> itStream = dirStream.iterator();
    while(itStream.hasNext()) {
        Path resultPath = itStream.next();
} catch (IOException e) {...

我预计获取C:\ User \ user_id下所有somefile.xml的路径列表以及下面的所有子目录。然而hasNext()方法每次都返回false。

I expected to get a list of paths to all "somefile.xml" under C:\User\user_id and all subdirectories below that. Yet the hasNext() method returns false every time.


DirectoryStream 只遍历您提供的目录并匹配该目录中的条目。 查看任何子目录。

DirectoryStream only iterates through the directory you give it and matches entries in that directory. It does not look in any sub-directories.

您需要使用 Files 查看所有目录。例如:

You need to use one of the walkXXXX methods of Files to look in all directories. For example:

try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.walk(dataDir.toPath())) {
        .forEach(path -> System.out.println(path.toString()));


10-27 15:42