本文介绍了使用Intent的UPI App深层链接-不一致和错误的行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have deeplinked UPI apps from my android native app using intent. I have tested this with various UPI apps like BHIM, PhonePe, AXIS, UnionBank, Pockets etc.


I created push payment URI. I am able to launch various UPI apps. However behaviour is quite inconsistent.

"upi://pay?pa = xxxxx @ upi& pn = payee& am = 5.00& tn = Test_Transaction"


  1. 调用Intent时,大多数应用程序都在响应.他们被发射了.
  2. 很少有应用程序正确显示带有金额的付款页面.其余应用程序根本不显示该页面.PhonePe,显示轴. BHIM没有显示付款页面
  3. 仅通过PhonePay和Axis成功完成付款
  4. UPI付款成功完成后,UPI应用程序已关闭,控制权返回到我的应用程序.但是,响应数据始终为NULL.付款成功后,应用程序无人提供响应数据
  5. 如果付款失败,或者我在UPI应用程序中取消了付款,或者我没有输入正确的PIN并关闭UPI应用程序,则大多数应用程序都不会返回响应数据.
  6. 仅AXISPay返回了响应数据:意图{(有其他功能)
  1. Most apps are responding when intent is onvoked. They get launched.
  2. few apps displayed the payment page correctly with amount. Rest apps did not display the page at all. PhonePe, Axis displayed. BHIM did not display payment page
  3. Payment completed successfully b y PhonePay and Axis ONLY
  4. After UPI payment was completed successfully, the UPI app is closed and control comes back to my app. However the response data is always NULL. NONE of the app is providing response data when payment is successful
  5. If payment fails or I cancel the payment in UPI app or I do not enter right PIN and close UPI app, most of the apps do not return response data.
  6. Only AXISPay returned response data : Intent { (has extras) }


Anyone - any comments? Why such inconsistent bahaviour?


Surprising is deeplinking not working with BHIM app.


I can share android code if someone want want to try.



It really works for the BHIM application also. Use this Code it works like a charm for every PSP enabled applications.

private String getUPIString(String payeeAddress, String payeeName, String payeeMCC, String trxnID, String trxnRefId,
                            String trxnNote, String payeeAmount, String currencyCode, String refUrl) {
    String UPI = "upi://pay?pa=" + payeeAddress + "&pn=" + payeeName
            + "&mc=" + payeeMCC + "&tid=" + trxnID + "&tr=" + trxnRefId
            + "&tn=" + trxnNote + "&am=" + payeeAmount + "&cu=" + currencyCode
            + "&refUrl=" + refUrl;
    return UPI.replace(" ", "+");


Then pass the parameters in the method and pass the string to the Intent in this way:

Intent intent = new Intent();
            Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(intent, "Pay with...");
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
                startActivityForResult(chooser, 1, null);

这篇关于使用Intent的UPI App深层链接-不一致和错误的行为的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-12 18:44