


I want to add a new JProperty to a JSON object using a string path.I'm retrieving an existing path and then adding a new value proximal to it.It seems no matter how I select a token, or no matter what Add method I call (most relevant is AddAfterSelf) or what I supply as a new value, I receive the exception:

您会在这里看到失败: https://dotnetfiddle.net/mnvmOI

You can see this failing here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/mnvmOI


Why can't I add a JProperty in this situation?

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        JObject test = JObject.Parse("{\"test\":123,\"deeper\":{\"another\":\"value\"}}");
        test.SelectToken("deeper.another").AddAfterSelf(new JProperty("new name","new value"));


引发异常的原因是 SelectToken() 返回属性的JValue ,而不是 JProperty本身.具体来说,它将返回名称为"another"JProperty所拥有的JValue.如果您这样做,可以看到以下内容:

The reason that the exception is thrown is that SelectToken() returns the property's JValue not the JProperty itself. Specifically, it returns a JValue owned by the JProperty with name "another". You can see this if you do:

Console.WriteLine("Result type: {0}; result parent type: {1}", result.GetType(), result.Parent.GetType());


Result type: Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue; result parent type: Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty


And if you further print the object types from the top of the JToken hierarchy to the value returned by SelectToken(), you will see the JValue tokens contained inside the JProperty tokens:

Depth: 0, Type: JObject
Depth: 1, Type: JProperty: deeper
Depth: 2, Type: JObject
Depth: 3, Type: JProperty: another
Depth: 4, Type: JValue: value


The Json.NET documentation also indicates that SelectToken() returns the selected property's value:

string name = (string)o.SelectToken("Manufacturers[0].Name");

// Acme Co


Since a JProperty cannot have more than one value, when you try to add a JProperty immediately after the value in the hierarchy, you are trying to add it as a child of its parent JProperty, which throws the exception.


Instead, add it to parent's parent:

test.SelectToken("deeper.another").Parent.AddAfterSelf(new JProperty("new name","new value"));


Sample fiddle showing all of the above.


10-12 15:57