tribble solution
The read.table option is very readable but not very general. with tribble pretty much any data type can be handled (though factors need adhoc fixing).
This solution isn't so useful for OP's example but is great for list columns (see example below). To make use of the output, library tibble is required.
Just as my first solution, it's a wrapper around dput, but instead of 'dputting' columns, i'm 'dputting' elements.
dput_small3 <- function(df, name=as.character(substitute(df)), n= nrow(df), random=FALSE, seed = 1){ name if(random) { set.seed(seed) df <- df[sample(1:nrow(df),n),] } else { df <- head(df,n) } df1 <- lapply(df,function(col) if(is.factor(col)) as.character(col) else col) dputs <- sapply(df1,function(col){ col_dputs <- sapply(col,function(elt) paste(capture.output(dput(elt)),collapse="")) max_char <- max(nchar(unlist(col_dputs))) sapply(col_dputs,function(elt) paste(c(rep(" ",max_char-nchar(elt)),elt),collapse="")) }) lines <- paste(apply(dputs,1,paste,collapse=", "),collapse=",\n ") output <- paste0(name," <- tibble::tribble(\n ", paste0("~",names(df),collapse=", "), ",\n ",lines,"\n)") cat(output) sapply(names(df), function(x) if(is.factor(df[[x]])) cat(sep='','\n',name,'$',x,' <- factor(', name,'$',x,')')) invisible(NULL) } dput_small3(dplyr::starwars[c(1:3,11)],"sw",n=6,random=TRUE) # sw <- tibble::tribble( # ~name, ~height, ~mass, ~films, # "Lando Calrissian", 177L, 79, c("Return of the Jedi", "The Empire Strikes Back"), # "Finis Valorum", 170L, NA_real_, "The Phantom Menace", # "Ki-Adi-Mundi", 198L, 82, c("Attack of the Clones", "The Phantom Menace", "Revenge of the Sith"), # "Grievous", 216L, 159, "Revenge of the Sith", # "Wedge Antilles", 170L, 77, c("Return of the Jedi", "The Empire Strikes Back", "A New Hope"), # "Wat Tambor", 193L, 48, "Attack of the Clones" # )