


I am doing a project for my computing coursework. Could really do with some help please.


I want to be able to take a basic line of code like this...

   lblSectionsAttempted.ForeColor = Color.Green


And basically turn it into this... but this doesn't work:

 lblSectionsAttempted(TempInc).ForeColor = Color.Green

TempInc 是一个变量,每次循环完成时增加 1.

TempInc is a variable that gets incremented by 1 each time a loop is done.

我的表单上有 14 个lblSectionAttempted"标签.而且我希望能够根据变量 TempInc 的值来更改每个标签的前景色……例如:

I have 14 'lblSectionAttempted' labels on my form. And I want to be able to change the fore color of each label depending what the value of the variable TempInc is... So for example:

所以当 TempInc = 1 时,我希望 lblSectionsAttempted1.ForeColor 改变

So when TempInc = 1, I want lblSectionsAttempted1.ForeColor to change

然后当 TempInc =2 时,我希望 lblSectionsAttempted2.ForeColor 改变

Then when TempInc =2, I wan lblSectionsAttempted2.ForeColor to change

 If TempInc = 1 Then
      lblSectionsAttempted1.ForeColor = Color.Green

 Else if TempInc = 2 Then
      lblSectionsAttempted2.ForeColor = Color.Green


但是有很多 if 语句并不理想.请有人告诉我如何重新编写这行代码以使变量的值影响更改的标签..

However having lots of if statements isn't ideal. Please can someone tell me how I can re word this line of code to make the value of the variable affect what label is changed..

 lblSectionsAttempted(TempInc).ForeColor = Color.Green


您可以使用 Controls.Find():

You can use Controls.Find():

    Dim matches() As Control = Me.Controls.Find("lblSectionsAttempted" & TempInc, True)
    If matches.Length > 0 AndAlso TypeOf matches(0) Is Label Then
        Dim lbl As Label = DirectCast(matches(0), Label)
        lbl.ForeColor = Color.Green
    End If


10-12 09:45